Leashes, Teeth and Bushes

G and kila have reached a new level of understanding. She plays with Kila on the bed every morning. The other day she covered kila with a blanket and told Kila it was her tent. then she did the same to me. Kila looked like the flying nun, but rather enjoyed the attention. They got to playing pretty rough, with G sticking her arm in Kila’s mouth and Kila giving it a little nibble. G asked me if Kila tried to bite her. its funny kids think anything a dog does that is not laying there getting abused might be biting – another girl asked me the same thing and i just had to explain no, she is just trying to face you and she moves quickly. I explained to G they were playing rough, and that Kila’s teeth are very hard, and that Kila would never hurt her — i think she kinda got it. I’m sure there will be future misunderstandings, but i think she gets it.

At the park, G wants to keep Kila’s leash. its hard having her latched onto a power-assist dog, that she does not know how to drive. The only thing i can do is let it happen a little at a time, cause G does not have sense enough to let the leash go and sometimes gets dragged . Kila ran into the shrubs – G wanted to chase. I said “who else hides in the bushes?” and she said “Swiper!!!” then she plunged in after Kila. I saw a bunch of bushes wiggling back and forth, heard some jangling, and a few squeals and laughs, then G emerged like one of the survivors from “Lost”.

Kila is absolutely distraught if we are out and she can not monitor G. During Halloween I broke off to walk Kila in the park (and take a p — for me, not Kila), and Kila nearly got herself killed bolting across the park and across the street to catch G.

Kila came when G called for her in the cul-de-sac recently. Well sorta, she might have come cause i whistled first, but G went and opened the door for her and called for her just like i do. Kila seems to be paying attention to the tinyVoice, but still feels that G lacks the authority so doesn’t abide. G’s voice has slowly gotten bigger, and her times to calling Kila more judicious, so i wonder how that will play out?

i can’t put into words how amazing this relationship is. I am probably just overthinking it – Kila is 8 and has been around G for 3 years, i mean, duh?!?! She aint that dumb. She has just been very natural about it, just like G.

i spent about 4 hrs trying to figure out how to adjust the brightness in this video. Wound up using a product called VirtualDub, which added a step prior to using Super to convert, but whatever…it looks way better than a black screen with occasional flashes from the blinky-blink shoes