If A Security Warning Is Issued in the Forest?

The State Dept issued a warning about unofficial roadblocks, that scared away an upcoming rental.   Our management agency sent an explanation from the Chamber of Commerce for Rocky Point describing the roadblock as a traveler census.   The Consulate in Nogales responded that they have information we do not, which they can not reveal, but which they are obligated to act upon if even one American might be at risk.   Byron and I passed the roadblock consecutive weekends just outside Sonoita. It was boring and benign and they did not even ask us to stop.   The Border Patrol checkpoint near Ajo is far more intimidating.   Does the State Department have any accountability for the demonization of an entire town, and the complete destruction of our rental revenue?   Apparently not, as the warning was issued by a civilian who volunteers at the Consulate, and the Consulate later admitted they had no evidence to justify the warning.   Their solution after screwing the town’s Memorial Day revenue and receiving numerous complaints and calls to Senators McCain and Kyl: rescind the warning, and not even buy us dinner.

The only drugs I saw were from a guy in Old Port who sold me a pair of kid’s sunglasses, then tried to sell me some overpriced X.   His pot smelled like a pizza – now that should get a serious government warning.   The Superlay has an entire aisle dedicated to mayonnaise, and another exclusively for hot sauce, but sells not a single jar of horseradish for cocktail sauce – that should get an even sterner warning.   Me riding like a hooligan – definitely deserves a warning. G watching the same Phineas and Ferb dvd for 4 straight days, Alana spilling my beer and pretzels in the sand, Kila dropping a deuce on the beach a quarter mile from the nearest plastic bag, 2.5 cases of beer and a half bottle of tequilla in one long weekend – warning, warning, warning, warning!!

G get less scared of the ocean every time she gets in, coming in with me and just her waterwings for a sunset swim.   Alana gets more and more interesting, showing preferences and opinions, the most significant that she does NOT like being in the ocean.   Weather could not have been better, 3 out of 4 days were nearly calm. And G finally got to buy some ice cream from the ice cream man.







