My New Toy

G, be careful its not a toy!

I kept saying this, but it was without conviction from either of us.   It looks like a toy, its fun to fiddle with like a toy, and I kept asking “hey, where’s my new toy” while we played with it for awhile.   Thanks KennyB for turning me onto this.







Night Ride

This was far more complex an endeavor than the video makes it look. Alana in the backpack, Kila somewhere, G afraid of the narrow sidewalks at night, and me walking her bike most of the way, with a beer in my hand, and a water bottle.   good times were still had.

They both collapsed after a bath.

The Amazing Genevieve

There was this magician at the daycare.   I gather by G’s incredible enthusiasm that he had quite The Prestige.   She showed me each thing she colored, and explained how the magician did tricks.   Normally the kids cant remember a whole lot after about 4 minutes, but she was gushing about it to Beckie later that night.
