Peas, the phone

the baby loves peas. I discovered this a couple months ago. its hysterical watching her tinyHuman fingers plucking individual peas tinily into her mouth. for some reason peas have fallen off the rotation lately, and i was noticing both us and daycare sometimes fall back to giving her too much carbs and not enough veggies. So peas were on the menu tongiht, and they came roaring back to the top of the cool list. wow did they ever. Its like in the Eminem song “The Way I Am”. They feed me the fuel that I need for the fire to burn and its burning and I have returned”. Wow…what a meal. First, the baby plucked peas, but with great aplomb. Then she began to take peas out of the container, then she began to place peas back in the container. There was pea rolling, pea dropping, pea spooning (though that did not go well), pea grabbing, pea mashing…quite the entertainment must have taken her 20 minutes to eat.

Sometime after the peas, when the filthy hands got clean and the mashed peas which now looked like parrot shit were wiped from the floor, the phone rang. G actually knows now what the handset is and grabbed it when it was ringing. This was neat, she’s been into phones for a long time and I always thought it was just cause they were shiny and make noise. But lately I started to figure out she liked em cause we used em, and last week she actually started putting her cell phone (“her” cell phone…the demo phone they gave her at Best Buy to keep her from having a meltdown when Beckie was buying a $3000 washer dryer) up to my face to try to get me to do something. So, I called our house on my cell and tried to talk to her. Not sure it worked too well since we were right next to each other, but I’ll have to get Beckie to help and try it from across the room.


  1. Just wait until G starts to imitate you and Beckie on the phone. It’s really scary when they say, “Hold on, I have another call coming in and I have to check my Palm for that date.”

  2. Glad to hear Gee likes her veggies. At least she doesn’t throw the squash all over the place; that’s a lot more colorful than peas. (Parrot s–t! Good grief!) Worse would be if she takes after her father as regards eating spaghetti. We do remember when that led to the cleanest walls in town after a top-to-bottom scrubbing.

    Kiss her for us.
    M-M & P-P

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