Boop: The Unleashing!

Its everywhere! It can’t be stopped. I see your boop and I am zeroing in and will not be stopped. and when I connect I will push your boop like i need the elevator: firmly and with purpose, making sure that the boop actually depresses. Its particularly bad in summer. It was cute, it is cute, its obsessive. Its creepy and sweet. Its very invasive of my personal space. Its in the pool, in the kitchen, in the bath, at the gym, in the car, you got a belly-button i got a finger get the fuck out of my way. She booped Janna today! Soon she will boop a total stranger. She knows that you have a boop, and she knows you know she has a boop. and she knows that you know she knows it. its become viral, an evolutionary memory. boop! boop! its hard to turn down, I feel as though I am filling her with negative reinforcement regarding her natural curiosity and friendliness. So I accept the boop, i embrace the boop. again. and again. and again.

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