36 Hrs, in 2 Variations

The Visual Story

The Verbal Story

woke up and to the gym for running and playing while mommy and daddy got their yoga and fit on. A too-brief grand prix in the enormous shopping carts at Frys, then a spin on the bike in the cul-de-sac.

JB, his wife Michelle, and their 2-yr old Natalie and infant Ethan came over for the aft. After some personal issues were resolved and some territory marked, JB and I hammered up Las Sendas and out Tower Trail while the women and children swam. Return, reverse, repeat – except the trail was easier, and we began drinking heavily.

Pool, playing, swinging, power-eating, and general almost-interaction with another little girl ensued. and a lot of hamburger.

next day was more of the same. a long trailer-ride, a romp in the park, swimming and the first ever by-herself-with-waterwings-floating-&-almost-propelling-herself incident. So much progress in so little time. more park, more hamburger, more .

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