
MLK Day at the zoo.   I forgot the stroller for Alana, perhaps a Freudian slip, i sooooo want her to tuffen up. She walked almost the whole way. I think she got stronger, I did til i cracked. The half mile carrying her from the petting zoo to the water cave was so tiring I contemplated tossing her to the Brown Wolf. We would not survive The Road.

happy girls with rock candy pops

really happy, G sat for about 10 minutes and nursed hers

2nd time on the merry-go-round? 1st time feeling likc a triceratops jockey

listen to the giggle

The gospel I preach is they can pick a single ride or treat each visit to the zoo. Its less about saving money, and more about the cardinal virtues and the deadly sins. It leaves me room to be magnanimous, and rebuke G when she feigns entitlement. I saw the slide and knew G would choose it. She rode her bike from 105th St. to the golf course on Quartz Trail the other night, fearless of the chunk or the pitch. I asked her before the last gravelly descent what she needed to think about and she said ‘Staying balanced and holding the brakes.’

4 seconds never felt so good. Selling it to Alana that she would get her own treat too was not easy. Its hard being sub-38 inches.

4 hours non-stop = instant coma


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