Rain at Longbow

Winter rain storms are perfect weather to take Kila running on the golf courses. Some call it trespassing, I call it watching her romp in the rain on a beautiful carpet of grass, with no one out to be bothered by our interloping.

Immersing myself in the wet and cold is an immensely refreshing change of pace, with the added benefit of getting me ready for the conditions we were about to face on the 4th Annual Low-Overhead Highly-Flexible Ski Trip.   Riding the canals in the rain a few times got me well prepared for Wolf Creek last year, and the powder-shock was likely to be the same this year with us driving in on top of 7 feet in the past week.


I aint complaining, just saying.   Watching Red Dye #5 choke away 2 winnable games at Nationals in 2000 in rainy Blaine, MN taught me to appreciate the disruptive affect cold weather has on Phoenicians.

Beckie and G out of town gave us time to play.   The tape gun tightened up the cuffs of my snowboard pants and kept them out of the drivetrain, the pockets of my $5 Coat held my beers; Monday it was Red Mtn Ranch and Tuesday back to Longbow for the first time in 6 months.   Unfortunately, two big days in a row was too much for Kila’s aging front right paw and she has been a little gimpy the last two days.   But it was fun while it happened!

Longbow is about 9 miles total, and other than the brief stretch over the 202, totally RocketDog friendly.   Kila sets her own direction on the golf course as I follow the tight rolling cart path up and back, synching up every so often at her or my whim.   No people, no houses, and only one entrance – nothing but Kila and me in a giant oasis playground.   Its flowy and serene, and even a bit of a workout on the bike.   With time and Kila’s endurance constantly in short supply, I forgot how much more fun it is than Red Mtn Rachn.   Kila can still handle it, but I need to take her after several easy days.   We’ll keep having fun together, I’ll be smarter for her.

Genevieves Don’t Like Donuts

Me: Let’s get dressed so we can go to school and get donuts for your teachers.
G: Genevieves don’t like donuts

Me: WTF??

apparently there was some confusion over what a donut was, cause as soon as we saw the bright shiny colors of Dunkin Donuts, G got very excited.   She wanted to stand with me in line, she wanted to see over the counter, she became enraptured with the smell of coffee.   the nice donut lady gave G 2 powdered munchkins, and she wanted to sit at a table and eat.   There is hope for the restaurants of East Mesa yet!

She was taken aback by all the powder, I cant actually say she likes the munchkins cause she took a tinyBite and then held on to her munchkins for about the next 20 minutes, clutching them in her little wax paper napkin.   Perhaps chocalate glaze would have gone over better. In the car, out of the car, into school, terrified to take a picture with Mr. Tony aka Santa…she never let go of the munchkins. Just like Daddy falling off his bike.

Bakers need not fear for G’s patronage, by the end of this xmas season she shall be a junkie.

Riding Days

I underwent an innner struggle whether to classify this post under Biking or under Adventures, how nerdy** is that? Probably about as nerdy as this post itself. But I need to know.

2003-4: 5 –   5 Sunrise
2004-5:   10 –   1 Sierra-at-Tahoe, 1 Mt. Rose, 4 Steamboat, 2 Flag, 2 Sunrise
2005-6:   3 –   1 Northstar, 1 Squaw, 1 Mt. Rose
2006-7: 10 – 3 Wolf Creek, 3 Park City, 1 Canyons, 1Loveland, 2 Eldora
2007-8: 7 – 3 Wolf Creek, 1 Squaw, 1 Alpine Meadows, 1 Mt Rose, 1 Flag

Not that I think this is very impressive or I’m any damn good as a boarder, but it is cool to see what I’ve done each year and how much I have progressed in a relatively few number of days.   Each year seems to have its own theme and major new skill set: not killing myself; riding with Beckie, and handling ice and flats; trees; tight lines, steeps, hikes, and going places with G; and deep deeps and new conditions in spring, evening, drunk, and different gear.

I am such a geek , but not much else to do while I’m on a long conference call waiting for Byron to come pick me up en route to Pagosa Springs.