
Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: Owies.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: Dirty.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: Nasty.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: We’re out of diapers.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: Not in a Catholic country.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: you’re not of legal drinking age.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: not for the driver.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: pancreatic cancer.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: stingrays.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: the ocean is coming.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: the Romans are coming.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: wayward kites cause strangulation.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: dogs find you tasty.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: tricycles don’t launch fast enough.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: the tide is unforgiving.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: the tent will blow away.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: the tent will collapse.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: the things hanging from the tent will collapse on you.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: dishrags are not proper sources of hydration.

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: you pooped on the floor!

Me: No!
Alana: Why?
Me: you have poor balance.

Whine into Water

Alana has an unpleasant, unlikable tendency towards whining. She’s silent and strong when she wants to be, but she’ll mope and fret for hours…days…about something minor, easily overcomable, an idle sleight to her ego, a mere scratch to her comfort zone.   2 hours will pass with her sniffling and blubbering, punctuated by the occasional shriek, for no good gawddamn reason.

Its not cute. Its awful, and hurtful.   Strider bike, no. No! I…don’t…want…to!

Her adamant resistance to swimming has been the most frustrating. I was ok with it the first, oh, 5 times at the gym. But she is stuck on 1.5 feet. A huge regression from last year.   A few weeks ago she put her head under, by herself, about 5 times in a row while she reached down to the 2ft bottom and picked up her toys. Hasn’t done it since. I took her into the deep end, held her completely above water, and she nearly gouged my eyes out clawing at me to get higher. She is insanely terrified of water over her head, and eventually settled into a sobbing mass for about 30 minutes, stopping only when Beckie held her the same way i did and eventually sorta enjoying herself. Haven’t seen that either in a month.

Not having a pool sucks. Lawyers have taken all the floaties and waterwings out of the public pools. The zero-depth entrance and ability to bring small toys in are huge improvements from when i grew up, but since the Coast Guard hasn’t approved her Dora the Explorer floaties, they’d rather her get NO introduction to deep water!   Arizona lets anyone carry a M-50 anywhere, but i cant stand 5 feet from my kid with floaties on? Its probably anti-immigrant, and i think i will buy Nemo floaties next time. It makes me wonder again and again if I’d rather have a pool.   Without a doubt its the coolest thing you can do for your house. Its also the single biggest cost and time sink and risk. Chemicals and wearable parts for a year are more than our entire family gym membership, with zero effort on our part, or 40k, and G gets private climbing lessons for $9/hr.   Its got it all except the namby-pamby rules.

Alana has this glass ceiling about water, at least that’s how i see it.     I shove her into things. Beckie comforts her. That’s our parenting styles, that’s our approach. I’ve no doubt unchecked either would ruin our kids, but mostly they work well together. Except when they don’t, which usually coincides with our kids struggling. Struggling is an ambiguous term, and we almost always start at odds. Not a good formula for consensus-building and teamwork.   I see instances where their day-to-day progress stalls, a tactical view of a strategic problem, a players’ coach. I’m a great dad, but i expect my kids to deal with shit. Beckie is more about quarterly reviews and autonomy and day-to-day feelings. Gender conflicts for modern gender-neutral families.   I’m glad i have Beckie as a teammate, and some days when the kids aren’t occupying my entire bandwidth not dedicated to health and employment i remember i love her. I don’t want them to turn out like her, she doesn’t want them to turn out like me. Overstressed professional romance.

On Father’s Day, when Clarence Clemons died, the Springsteen song that stuck with me most was Devils and Dust.

What if what you do to survive kills the thing you love? Fear’s a powerful thing, it can turn your heart black you can trust. It’ll take your god-filled soul, fill it with devils and dust.

Wasn’t moving to Scottsdale supposed to put glitter on all this? I went to my first ever Scottsdale happy hour, 3 years after work moved to Scottsdale, 2 weeks before leaving. Then i dashed home to pick up the kids.

I punished G for the first time when she was mean to her sister after repeated warnings — took away TV for the night. She played Starfall on the computer, and took a step learning to put letters together to sound out words, another area we’ve been too lax with her when she doesn’t want to work hard. Brilliant, huh?

I got tired, bored and annoyed as shit cooking in the sun waiting for Alana to stop hating the pool at a friend’s party.   So I put her on the step and went to play with G while Beckie picked up the shattered pieces. An hour later we switched kids and i did it again. An hour later this was in full effect.

Children Need to Be

Each weekend comes round, and I tick it off: not going to Flag, not riding 6 Shooter, not exploring the high country. Going to a birthday party, going to the pool, going to the zoo. Is it acceptance, or numbness, that I mostly care not and only want to be with my kids? They are beautiful, and I can not be away from them without feeling incomplete, vulnerable, terrified.   I took them to the pool twice after work this week. Twice for Alana, actually, while G began rock climbing classes at the gym.

I read about the Mighty Mud Mania, and our plan for this weekend began.   The pictures and descriptions explain the details, fed G’s stoke. But Alana is complex, her enthusiasm builds slowly, so used to getting drug along, drug out of her comfort zone, always eyeing a defensible position.   As we expected, Alana warmed up slowly to the mud, preferring the safe comfort of walls around her. After a few hours, she rallied, and ended   as filthy as the other kids.

G suffered no such hesitation, only the minimum age requirement to run the large obstacle course.   We worked through that too.

Me: G, how old are you?
G: 5
Me: G, how old are you?
G: 7, Daddy

Some kids crept through the obstacle course, timid in body and mind. G smoked the older kids in her heat, sprinted end-to-end. I had not doubts. The biggest challenge was keeping her from redlining while waiting in line.

We needed to run her around, until the race started

she is on the far right, the one blowing up the field

After some time at home, snacks and a nap, we followed through on a promise of a kitten and headed to the Animal Shelter.

Well, not a kitten, those got flushed by a (shitbag)coworker, so with heavy hearts we vowed to save another life. We hoped to find an adult who would otherwise soon be gassed, but this guy at 9 months fit our needs of a male who would not threaten Turtle.

G named him Cybro. How she pulled that name out of her ass I do not know. She forgot it several times, but I kept reminding her, cause it is so much more unique than Max or Stripe, just like her. We goto pick him up in 2 days after his nards are whacked. Today we went to PetSmart to buy him litter and toys.

Geeks in Hollywood

The emerging technology from the company is almost entirely coming out of our LA office, a fundamental post-merger power shift that has me simultaneously looking over my shoulder and 3 steps ahead, wondering if I have a future or will just play out the string til my products are sunsetted. They offered me a team of 8 and an entire product family if I relocated. Likely my last chance at genuine advancement within the company. Ironic.   I’ve been passed over in Phx for the very same badassness that that they want in LA, that built the internet. Even after 15 years in the field i still question what getting ahead is all about.

I had two goals for the trip: recruit some allies who would help me transition to the new products along with a few other Phx lost boys, and perform due diligence on the idea of relocating. The rest was easy and fun – exchange ideas and build bridges with teammates I’ve worked closely but remotely with for years, eat Brazilian food and sushi, and enjoy the ocean climate.

The LA office is located along the Hollywood Walk of Stars, across from Grauman’s Chinese Theater.

Its an interesting neighborhood, for about 5 minutes. But I am not amused by people-watching, panhandlers in costumes, urban personalities in de rigueur clothes making statements, and slack-jawed tourists gawking at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum.   They just clog up the sidewalk and slow the commute.

100% authentic. Really. G and Alana would approve.   They had Mako and Robert Urich fer crissakes?

I hustled out of work at 6:30 to the Roosevelt Hotel. Its beautiful and dolled-up and superfluous. Pure LA. I could not find the main desk, or anything that even looked like a desk, after 10 minutes walking up and down Hollywood Blvd looking for the front door. I asked directions from a 6 foot rail-thin model\hostess at one of the hotel’s chic restaurants. I think it was a restaurant, I smelled food and heard dishes, but didn’t see anything that looked like food or any surface that looked suitable for plateware. I think the hostess got all her calories olfactorily. Surreal is talking to stunning women at their day jobs – they give me 100% more common courtesty than I’d get outside of work, and I return the favor by thanking them politely and not being misogynistic while the power-structure is shifted.     Finally I found my room, which made me feel as awkward as the hostess.   I do not know how to handle fashion, or luxurious things, nor do I particularly want to. Give me great gear, good weather, functional amenities, fast computers, strong plotlines, hearty sustenance with mass quantities and I am happy. Everything else makes me nervous about spilling.

I turned down drinks with some new acquaintances at the office to hike down the street to Runyon Canyon State Park for sunset, to see if LA offered the things that really matter to me.   Rugged coastal hills shot 500 feet skyward, cool ambiance diffused off lush vegetation. It was a hard grunt jogging to the top, like hiking Camelback or Wind Cave, but like those easily-accessible bite-sized hikes, hard to feel accomplishment when its also crawling with locals walking poodles or shuffling along in flip-flops.

G lent me Steggi to keep me company, the Hollywood sign far in the background

Lush succulents grew 5 feet high, unheard of by desert standards.

Bob Seger running through the soundtrack in my mind

I made my way down the Hollywood Hills in twilight, the glow of the city lights providing enough to navigate, then walked for awhile to soak in the freakshow. Waking at 5am to fly, a need for solitude, and convenient sushi takeout led me back to the hotel to unwind and sleep for once without getting head-butted by children.

It was not that easy.

There was some kind of Hollywood party in the pool area under my 2nd floor balcony, consisting of models in swimsuits standing in tubs of water filled with rose petals while people took notes and poked them. Every few minutes one of the models would yell like they scored a touchdown. Sometimes others joined, sometimes they did not. Getting into and out of my room I had to go under a velvet rope, for the first and probably last time ever. I squeezed by one woman wearing an evening gown and trailing a cameraman, she was a cross between Grace Jones and Elizabeth Banks, human color tones that should not coexist in meatspace. Her enormous bodyguard lumbered over too late to block me and my miso soup, and thrust his half-muscled half-fat arm between us as I slid by. If I’d meant any harm, either his arm would be broken or he’d have a knife in his core that he left wide open. Big and slow has disadvantages vs small and fast. Like everyone else at the party, he was all about appearances.

LA is beautiful and fascinating, in the same way as any famous city is, where every street name is recognizable. My coworkers are immune to the distractions – we ate lunch at In & Out Burger on Friday – much like my buddies and I take in stride the giant saguaros and rattlesnakes and desert flowers and rock formations on National. Familiarity and contempt would come quickly if I moved, leaving me crowded and claustrophobic, overpaying for rent and dying slowly every day in my car.

They say they are giving me the new product, which is an accomplishment of sorts. Perhaps it will be enough, perhaps some upcoming interviews will open opportunities. I know I have at least one more rung up the ladder within me. Finding clarity amidst the celluloid and illusions, and a few genuine connections, was worth the plane ride.

Sabbatical From My Vacation

4 days of 16 hours awake. 2 hrs of tv or relaxing, another 2.5 hours of exercise, an hour of hammering through JQuery for Dummies and stoically resisting the time-hole required to put a Colorbox on my blog, every other moment spent entertaining or facilitating The Screeching Reign of Monsters. An alleged vacation. I describe children to those who have none thusly: imagine you and your SO, and then 2 more of you who are willful, moody, filthy, destructive, incompetent, always hungry, lose shoes, drop turds on the floor, and get themselves kicked by foals. There is so much work, interspersed with occasional planet-aligning moments of reading and sharing and wave-riding, bike rides and baby lifts and multi-layered mudball fights. Then there is so much work.

The riding was good, I’ve got few photos. Day 1 the tide was the lowest I’ve ever seen. I dropped into the Morua Estuary for the first time in a year, and did almost an hour of half mile laps along a hard crusty track to enjoy some strange. Day 2 I found a way to ride to the top of the big staircase on Whale Hill. Dropping in having not seen it in 2 months was a little dicey, but fed a weekend of aggressive shredding. I went big for the 8 step staircase behind The Village, several times. Riding home from a run for pastries I found a mile of skinnies along Hidalgo Blvd, 6 inches high, standing out from any sidewalks, with ramped entrances. I was hitting everything and holding the lines for 10, 15 yards. I was so stoked i hit it again the next day, got cocky, entered too fast and got sideways, then horizontal as I sailed off the bike. Fortunately dusty streets provide a mild lubricating layer and led to minimal road rash. My skin is thick enough to withstand sand.