Backyard of Tiny Aquatic Pleasures

my kids have warmed up to the kids down the street, after a wasted year of trying. The payoff for our efforts is *awesome*.   There is an array of little blonde girls doing little blonde girl things, like jumping around like crazy little blonde girls, and not annoying little blonde girls’ parents. I could not have been happier playing lifeguard for 2 hrs while the other parents had a break.

i’m looking for a creepier title, lmk if you can come up with one. I tried – i played on variations of ‘Girls Gone Wet and Wild‘, and ‘Ghetto Scottsdale Pool Diaries‘ til i got bored with my attempt at cleverness. This title reminds me of a chinese dish, and its soooooooooo much cheaper than a pool.   They should offer air compressors as Mother’s Day gifts too.




