
Last soccer trip, maybe ever. 14 trips in 21 months, we are all glad G has played at the top level for so long, and glad to be out of the club sports grinder. 10 yrs! Its made her responsible, hard, aggressive, rational, and giving all at once. The blows she’s learned to take and get up without complaining, her understanding of her body as a tool for her own goals, her power, discipline and healthy diet are a dream for every dad of girls. She carries the calm of a high baseline for difficult things. The flaws I had at 15 that took me another decade to overcome are unrecognizable in her. She is going to Desert Mountain HS next year and eager for a new chapter in her soccer career.

So much more to say, I could spend hours, days. I hope she and I always will always spend that time talking about it. I never tried to relive my days through her, only help her be her best self. The last 5 years I’ve barely talked to her on the field, except to chime great job G, and bark at the ref to protect her. She’s so beyond me as an athlete and student. The parenting is stressful enough. Our last trip was 5 days in Oceanside, CA with the only car trips being to the games. I’m hopeful we are at the sweet spot of de-escalating an expertise, to set her free.