
beckie and I have a rule: if the dog rolls in shit while you are walking the dog, its your job to de-funcify the dog. This sometimes means one member of the pack is working much harder than the other members of the pack in the best interests of the rare-and-wild Kila. But really, there is no other way. Your crime, your time.

Today the dog rolled in shit while I was alone for the 3-day weekend, walking kila and G. It happened like 2 minutes into the walk, I had barely gotten the cap off my beer. <sigh>. Got home, put the dog in the shower, got in with her and cleaned her and myself in a long leisurely wash. Usually I am quite perfunctory about getting Stinky out of my shower, but I also needed to clean G, who had gotten ridiculously disgusting as I was working all day to tire her out ( grapes, milk, sand, beer, water, powerbar and other general organics contributing to G’s aura by 6pm). Anyway, tossed Kila outside and showered G off. She hates this, I know she hates it, but it took like a minute and a half to have a sparkling clean baby. So I spend some time hugging her, I’m still like 10 minute up from this overwhelming task of cleaning multiple disgusting mammals. Does that make me a bad dad?

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