The Evolving Cognition of G

G wants things.   All sorts of things, at all sorts of times, for all sorts of reasons.   its no longer a bright shiny thing distracting her, its a precious rarity and its very very important she get it.   this must be the start of the terrible 2s.

it started as:

<asleep | awake>

then it became:

<asleep < content | discontent > awake>


<asleep < content < happy | unhappy> discontent > awake>

and now at:

<asleep < content < happy <want | not getting what i want> unhappy> discontent > awake>

beyond chemical change

there’s more to party hats then just slowing down and mellowing you out.   when you slow down, you see the details that make the simple things beautiful.   if you are lucky, some of that beauty and wonder stays with you and fills you with enough joy to carry you onward.