Brain Candy: September

  • They have video in the daycare at the gym, that feeds their internal system, and you can watch G play while on the stairmaster. its awesome! its guilt-inducing when she looks sad.
  • NFL announcers blathering on about Shawn Alexander having an exceptional second half and a poor 1st half: “he’ so tough, that soft-cast must have been bothering him before half, he got it together at intermission.” HE GOT A FUCKING SHOT, HE DOESN”T EVEN KNOW HIS NAME NOW!
  • Suckers. today at the veggie stand the women bagging wanted to give G a sucker. She was a senior, G is cute, can you feel the love in this room. My first thought was, no it will take her forever and goo up evertying. which was the point when you are old and grew up when things were slow and scarce. walking home an hour from the store with a sucker would rock. So, I pulled the sucker off the floor of the car, cleaned it up, left it in a bowl of water where she has been gradually sucking it off.
  • That was not funny!
  • Fatass is personal; neurosis is universal.

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