Hey! I remember you!

Sometimes G hates me and can’t be more than a few seconds away from Beckie

Sometimes she is the happiest baby in the world and is thrilled to see me. Last night I got home and she climbed up the couch and over the half-wall to leap into my arms. then she panicked and ran back to Beckie. Then she did it again woohoo!

I think a lot of her away-from-mommy paranoia has to do with her moods. So I suppose I should be happy that when she wants to be around me she is in a great mood. I’m definitely getting the cream of the crop, but since she hates me all the other times, I don’t feel so bad that so much more falls on Beckie.   We have a ton of fun doing stuff, and the best part is she is usually very happy to just do her thing near me. I get the best of both worlds – happy baby, and self-entertained baby.

When G is happy its become simply amazing to just watch her go and watch her mind work. Happy happy following me all around the house, playing with stuff on the counter she should not play with while I buzz my hair. She is a constant risk, but has developed an unbelievable sense of order and conservationism. If you say “no”, she understands and puts whatever it is down. If you start to put away the mess she has made, she helps!   Except for her new favorite hobby of taking all of Beckie’s jammies out of her bureau and yelling “beebee!”

Sometimes this sense of mature purpose gets her in trouble. Running around in the garage while i screw with my bike, she wanted to help and started brushing tubes –this was a beautiful gesture, but ill-timed as I was cleaning the chain and smacked her in the head with the pedal. ooops.

Today she carried a gallon of water that she saw me preparing, back and forth across the house. Like she knew it had somewhere to be, and she was gonna hang onto it until I made it clear to her where. When she unscrewed the lid, she listened when I told her to stop, and tried to put it back on. The carrying of things from hither to tharn is a newer behavior too – she likes to feel like she’s engaging things that are bigger than her and asserting her will to power upon them. So chairs and stools end up in other rooms, and eventually migrate back. Yesterday she tugged on my pants, and when I played along, I got pulled around the house. Then I got pushed around the house. Then Beckie got pushed around the house. Then she ran off, because G does not walk anywhere.

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