Dolphin-Safe Tuna

The other morning G was enjoying a bath. Really enjoying it. She showered with me every day in Rocky Point, and gets those as much if not more than baths anymore. At least with me. The RP showers were very businesslike; a day at the beach requires serious cleaning for the stinky baby. G had some major sand in her vagina, in more ways than one. The Terrible Twos are here, and a vigorous scrubbing against her wishes pissed off everyone.

So since she was having so much fun in the bath, and I was in no particular hurry to take her to daycare, I let her go about her business. I remember growing up how much I loved baths! So much to do and play with! G is there now too it seems. I kept hearing sounds and chatting coming out of the bathroom, her tinyVoice going “help help help.”   But not in a panic, she was imitating one of the adventures from Dora , this might have been when they have to save the baby Anaconda, hell if I know they all blend together.   So I looked in to see her with a tiny floating dolphin wrapped up in the mess from a spongy loofah, re-enacting the plot, as it were.   This went on, much like the repeat loop on the DVD player, until she finally got to cold to stay in.