In Search of Coyotes

I’ve been going to Boulder Mountain Park with Kila as often as possible the last few weeks to see the coyotes some more. They’ve been around every time – sometimes the same one comes out to play, other times we hear the pack howling close by.

The coolest stuff happens when I don’t have the camera. Two weeks ago it hung around the playground, darting in and out of the wash and the grassy area for about 30 minutes. Kila and G both got bored after a while, which seems just plain unappreciative. Last week, as I was pulling out of the driveway, I thought about the camera but said nah…won’t need it tonight. Sure enough, as we rolled into the parking lot Kila went nuts in the backseat; her buddy was waiting for her on the soccer field.

The next night, we went a’chumming, wandering lazily through the empty lot next to the park and the desert behind it, sending Kila out to shake her moneymaker. 30 minutes later, out of the corner of my eye, about 300 yards away across the park i caught a glimpse of a shape moving. I thought it might be wishful thinking, like trying to spot dolphins off the coast when you start seeing shapes in every whitecap. But then Kila gave me confirmation she had found the coyote, in the form of the tops of two tails circling and bouncing jerkily above the bushes. It mostly hung in the bushes, but Kila lured it into the shadows on the soccer field. Couldn’t get any good pics.

Today we found leftover pizza by the playground. I didn’t expect anything out of Dances With Wolves, but figured we’d leave the coyote a snack.

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