
Places you go on your bike.

Happy Place
– most time spent here. easily attained, again and again and again. difficult to leave. long-lasting. infinite supply.

Tired Place – very hot, very hard, bruising is a distinct possibility. the end is near, give in to your anger.

Quiet Place – the end is attainable, but too far to think about. metaphysical lair to hibernate until the passing of the long cold winter. keep pedaling.

Dark Place – the end is nowhere in sight, everything hurts, i am cold or hot, possibly lost, low on water, and my taint aches. MP3 player is likely dead, some gear lost, shoe may have exploded, or wheels are encased in mud. What fucking business is it of yours anyway?

Desolate Place – significant damage to self, or bike, or sense of direction, or potential establishment of family, or legacy, or core temperature. Curiosity over candidates to deliver your eulogy is piqued. Cell phone, what’s that? I couldn’t possibly hear above the lightning strikes anyway.

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