Did you get smarter or do you just need a nap?

For a couple days G was getting really hard to understand.   I thought maybe she was tired or bonked her face or some other mild deformity, but when it didn’t stop, and her face was normal, it finally dawned on me that she just is speaking more and is saying more complex stuff in her cute little LittleGirl voice.   Plans, requests, preferences, memory, and enhancements – anything G does must be prefaced with a requirements meeting, whick like most requirements meetings has a lot of rambling and blubbering to finally get to the point, except I have no laptop and no free lunch.   She steers…err, proclaims…while i take notes.   All those words and complicated ideas are having a tough time squeezing out of her 3-yr old mouth.   They finally erupt out her thing-sayer with maximum amplification.

While planning for the park, our brainstorming session went like this: “we’ll take my bike and you’ll take the stroller and alana and we’ll get kila and i’ll get my shoes and well take the camera and go to the park“.

Its quite a mouthful, and it went on for pretty much the entire time it took us to get her bike take the stroller get alana etc etc etc.   Who knew you could get smarter and sound like a rambling idiot?

Yesteday she was trying, again, to play with the camera.   She kept turning it on and off every time she tried to press the button, so sometimes the button worked and sometimes it didn’t, so sometimes it was actually pointing at what she wanted to photo and sometimes it wasn’t.   Its a very complicated set of tumblers that must fall into place for her to take a successful picture, and she gets frustrated, and i don’t want to ruin her fun, though it gets tedious having to say CHEESE 10 times in a row.   And then all of a sudden she figured out how to look through the monitor and take a pic without turning off the camera.   *click*.   She did it 3 times in a row.   I was much more impressed than she was.
