Animals and Songs

better than Bolt and Mittens, G and Alana have their very own superpets.

mmm…vanilla dog

Alana just began noticing Turtle, and she thinks Turtle is — literally — the most fascinating thing in the entire world. I think Turtle recognizes her lofty stature within Alana’s worldview, and thusly contains her catscust over being coated in human-stink.



an ironically appropriate song

G’s music video. i love how she pounces on the words she knows. I’ve been hearing this song almost nonstop for the past 2 weeks, during which I’ve watched Bolt at least 15 times, but never for more than about 10 minutes at a stretch. I still don’t understand that dog’s phobia over styrofoam…


I’m feeling a little Dave C today.

shitake mushrooms with chunked onions sauteed in olive oil; fajitas with green chilis, red bell pepper, shitake mushrooms, finely chopped carrots and onions; tomato and avocado salsa; tomatillo salsa; corn on the cob.   $1.50 a lb for the mushrooms, $.25/lb for the green chilis – some people dream of a prime rib buffet, I dream of platefuls of fungus for less than $3. I’m not a vegetarian, i just eat like one sometimes.

