My CraigsList App

Automated bid responder, for $1

Scans text of an incoming message, if no bid it asks for a bid. Gives a customizable reply based on percentage off your asking pirce. For an extra dollar, it has a keyword finder that sorts and adjusts reply based on phrases like ‘please‘, ‘thank you‘, and $‘i’ll give ya $x‘. For another quarter, it deletes replies that fail spell and grammar checking.

I think I can make $50k.

Asking Price Variant Automated Reply
>60% will your wife bang me for the other $X?
60% the dollar store opens at 10
50% kid’s birthday, or your meth habit – tough call
40% are you being foreclosed?
30% i’ve already turned down an offer for x+10%
20% no thank you
10% let me think it over, thank you for your interest

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