
Yuri talked us into this craziness.  45 miles further than I’d ever done on the road bike in one day, between 7000 and 9500 altitude, with  storms every afternoon without fail.  Every summer needs some challenge to get through til the end, and this one got me on the roadie more in the past month than the entire year prior. Three weekends in a row rolling pre-dawn to the end of Seven Springs Road and back, and a bunch of CX rides or short workouts at sunset along Thompson Peak Parkway.  I’m craving a new all-carbon bike. I’ve come out of the closet and embraced my inner roadie dork.

Noel, John, Gordon and Flo were also onboard, and we rolled as our little group out of Show Low at 6am. 45 mild miles to Springerville shook out the system.  While wondering what the next 2/3rds were gonna feel like, we got good line action, though no one had any clue what anyone else was doing. The chaos, really, was embarrassing for as much experience as this collective group bragged about. I don’t even want to think about my shaved shredded self — its so dirty.

rising sun on slick roads, bringing a bluebird day. wow! I was too strung by the prospect of 115 more miles to get out my camera. Most of these pics are Yuri’, Noel’s or Gordon’s — thank you.Rumble strips pattered off nips of sunlight pointing east, with rude reminders if your line strayed. At mile 30 there was a sunburst through a tired raincloud. It  lasted 30 minutes. Nuthin to do but stare into it. Its like the picture below, except add a celestial glow and sweat of elysium, a choir of angels tuning their harps and making jokes about their constitutions. If the ride ended there, the day would have been perfect, except for driving 3 hours to ride 2.5.

2.5 mild hrs later…


birds watching dudes grubbing

dudes done grubbing

start of ~7 mile, 2k climb


hereabouts and for the next hour a lot of high-altitude grinding tore my junk out, a rub rash against my new Twin6 shammy that would make for complicatied explanations to Mrs. Cball. The  turn into Big Lake was demoralizing 4 miles down, then right back. The ice cream bar and port-a-let were good, but the 8 miles sucked.

rolling out of Big Lake at the top of the ride 75 miles and 9200 vf, conversatons went like this:

Rider 1: i think i might cave in the next hour
Rider 2: Really, me too!
Rider 1: I’m so glad to hear you say that
Rider 2: No you’re not, you little roadie bitch.


I laid down for 3 min, and the recharge was capitol.

Water refill and 5 min break at mile 95.

and then it was like 35 miles trending-downhill fearing-for-your-life crowded Reservation roads home. I went very very fast, i was skeered, and remember nothing but bile.

We slept in the pines and drank, to avoid returning to the desert for 12 more hours. I got destroyed by gnats and stones pounded my lumbar while i huddled in my bivy. I felt amazing the next day and had a tallboy for breakfast on the ride home.

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