If a rider weeps in the forest, is the post self-indulgent?

I had a weekend to myself, and wanted to be alone, to see what quiet is like again, to see if 2 days in my own head would kill me. It didn’t, but it made me very tired. Very very tired so that i was tired the whole next week. I had no revelations or epiphanies, no new promises, no deep discoveries, other than my capacity to plan and endure, in an off-the-couch way. Riding is good, training is dumb. Tridorks’ general uselessness is hidden just under the surface of their A-type personalities.  Maad told me that. He also told me that sometimes you don’t have to be having fun to have fun. I blame him and thank him for this uselessness.




New bags and a new portable battery, I spent the whole week getting ready – gps, calorie count, warm gear, hydration, wrenching and fresh sealant. It all being so routine to so many of my friends, yet so challenging to me, kept me quiet and humble and focused. And anxious. While the family spun off the walls about their trip to Disney World, I thought about socks, HAB, bailouts, the cold, the mud, and my Quiet Place. I started into my Quiet Place Thursday night. I left Flag at 8am Saturday and laid my bivy at 9pm on top of Sedona. All day I was never idle, always cramming food in my piehole or studying the gps, planning, adjusting, compensating. The details are amazingly boring, and the highlights of the ride blend into a patina of…noice and noize and niiice. In the coupla weeks since i’ve felt more connected, alive, thinking, healthy.

Gnome told me the day before: festina lente. He didn’t say it in Italian, or even much in english, which is typical for him.   That’s gnomish wisdom, and   you can’t buy that shit in stores.

125 miles, 11k vf, 16.5 hrs moving over 2 days, no mistakes and no mechanicals. My stats are not exemplary, but that’s solid planning and execution. i’m such a geek.

Kelly Pocket at 2 hrs. So glad I finally got a chance to ride this, it winds its ways down a mild canyon

rare fall riding for me


Humphreys from somewhere southwest of Munds Park, 3 hrs

are you hooked?

i dig the amount of effort combined into a short period, the intensity of it, the undertaking. Purchasing some key gear will swap out so much of the suck. I spent $300 on 4 fabulous pieces of gear after my first trip. Xmas is coming and i have a list. Yes, I’m hooked.

Following the powerlines out to the end of Casner Mtn into red rock country

Looking back to Flag

the loaded bike made the rubbly descent easier than i remembered

I cleared Casner Mtn at 5 hrs and 41 miles.   The trek east to Sedona took 2 more hrs, then 4 more endless hours over 10 miles of singletrack.   During the   Casner Dirty Century i bailed on the back half of this, but was determined to do it this time, knowing it would push me down like the oncoming shadows. Sedona is slow, slow work down frivolous staircases and up other sides, hugging buttes and sliding off them, in lowest gears. The trails are so well built and so interesting, so full of constant progress they bely how little progress is really being made. The red rock engulfs you at sundown, fading from scarlet to firebrick to rosewood. You glow on the inside.

I was calm rolling into my resupply at twilight, before the last push to camp. I’d had so much time to accept climbing Schnebly Hill in the dark, i was ready — stoked even — for its 2k and 4miles of exhaustion straight into my sleeping bag.  Mentally, i prebailed on some of the ride tomorrow, using that for fuel against the heartrace and dehydration abusing me today. As long as I didn’t stop, I’d still get 9 hrs of sleep.

At the store I bought a gallon of water, a quart of chocolate milk, a tallboy, a bag of trail mix, and two bananas. Perfect dinner. I sink showered the sludge off my face and hands,repacked, redressed,  and plugged my gps into the battery backup. For the next 2 hrs i only saw its screen, the butte rising slowly to my left, and the cliff to my right. The moon lit all i needed to see of the road as i clawed upwards. I’d try to spin for 5 minutes, or around a turn the gps showed up ahead, and find a very small victory in each quarter mile. Best thing about climbing Schnebly in the dark is there are no pink jeeps to cropdust you.

Meanwhile, the family was at Disney World!


Finally, I stopped. cheers Sedona!!!

i did not find a good spot in the dark. In fact, it was my worst night outside ever. Rocks pushed into my hips, bruised my scapula, my right knee revolted after 2 scopes prevent it from fully straightening, and the other leg cramped when straight or bent. It was 43 outside, and the bivvy smelled like chocolate milk farts, the riding gloves I still wore to keep warm, and Maad’s beard. At 4:30 i’d finally slept 30 min straight. I gritted, fantasized and ached until 6:30 when riding promised to hurt less than laying down, and forced myself forward.

I finished my milk and tallboy scanning what I missed coming up.

Wake up Sedona!!

I ploughed forward for an hour, another hour, always thinking about the finish. 6 hours today seemed so doable, on jeep roads and debris-filled doubletrack, until i ejected onto the road at Mormon Lake, bypassing 4-5 hrs of singletrack on the Arizona Trail I knew i could not complete. I ate, smoked, popped an oxycodein, put on my headphones for the first time.

For such a shitheel accomplishment, this post is very gushy. I know a lot of very nice humble STRONG people who do so much more.  I read a post from the guy who set the record for the Colorado Trail Race, 4 days and 30k vf with 20 minutes sleep over heroic challenges — it was amazing, and went ‘hours’ at a time without a word in the narrative; it had less words than this post.I’m like my kids cheering on about something. G designed her first pumpkin carving, yaaaaaay her, it was sweet, it kept her fired up all night, it was so much fun.  When i hit a 20 mph headwind 3 miles from the end, and pedaled up a 1% graded sidewalk into it, and then got off and walked, i knew only the hardest of hard muthafuggas could have managed that hill. It kept me fired up for two weeks.



Entirely different than last year as line work was almost negligible. I think I was in worse shape, but 8.75 hours and 7500 vf almost-alone will do that to you. At 80 miles I reeled thinking of 3 more hours. I ate everything i had, didn’t quit only cause there was no alternative, still surprised i didn’t just topple over empty.


The ground was lush. The big climb at mile 53 started at 93 degrees, but was 63 at the top as a thunderstorm roiled before us.   We waited 10 min for it to blow past the road we hit 10 min later, and continued to skirt storms for 6 hours, the worst we got were spray off the roads and a little sprinkle.

Weekends In Hell: Finale

Summer went by so quickly. Instead of a giant vacation to slow our focus it was day-in-day-out pools and playdates, rock walls and restaurants. The Monsters don’t want it to stop, I can’t wait for a return to structure, to not be sitting on a pool deck in 105 with a laptop cooking my balls and children possibly drowning.

We booked a weekend in Flag and I took 2 more days before they start school together.


Up north Saturday morn at a civilized hour for coffee and cereal. A short hike on Veit Springs trail up on the mountain. Short by my standards, perfect and challenging ups and downs wandering round rocks and mushrooms for 2 little girls.

then into the Lava Cave.

The entrance was intimidating, ~50 feet down a grinning rockfall with slippy lowhanging ceiling. On the way to the trailhead, down a graded gravel road, we passed a guy in a 4WD going 8mph.  Several of them. WTFF? Were we in the right place?   The pitch leveled, but the floor was never easy. It was fat-biking the reef in Rocky Point, walking a thick streambed, picking your way through the desert.   Even in light, you had to watch and adjust every step. Not double black, but definitely blue. We had 2 petzels, and 2 failing disposables.

I really didn’t want my girls in this clusterfuck, stressing to not be that dipshit Peenixan medivacking his kid out of a moonscape in total darkness, relying on fat tut-tutting Peenixans to help us.

It says we went 3/4 mile each way, it felt about 2x as much. Who knew? We resurfaced about an hour later, ish.   The Chollaballs typically make ~3mph on flat ground, so…yeah i guess so.   The darkness messed with my cues. The ceiling smashing me in the head messed with my cues. Changes for next trip: boots instead of running shoes, a proper light and reliable backup, cargo pants instead of a camelback cuz no one was thirsty anyway, and not being able to have a safety break.

The kids did better than us, lower and lighter, as long as i kept yelling watch your step, which they did with a remarkable sense of self-preservation. I shall claim credit for training them well.   The climb back out i was very concerned about Alana, but dayum our little whinyGirl primmaDonna physicallyDisinterested headInaJar focusOfaGnat is more natural to climbing and gymnastic moves than any of us. Last week she taught herself to do a backflip off the pool deck, and I kinda feel like i should let her keep doing it.

leave the SLR behind, there are better pics online.


Sunday we rolled 418 to Bismark Lake again. ferns vs. aspen, another wonderful season in Flag.

Amanita Muscaria. Poisonous and hallucinogenic!.

If you want the ultimate thrill, you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.
I just quoted Patrick Swayze.








Monday morning we drove back down into Hell, napped, then enjoyed the free air-conditioned NFL TRAINING CAMP!!!!!!!!


Kidzone football drill obstacle course!

G: are they monsters?
Me: no they’re cool fun,  like gym teachers
G: *blink blink*
Me: freakishly big and strong gym teachers.


G was nervous, around all the boys. I told her she was likely faster, and after 20 seconds getting fired up she did not stop bouncing off the walls for 20 minutes.Which amped up the littlePrincess too.

7 years went under the bridge like time was standing still.

touched you once I touched you twice i won’t let go at any price.

I need you now like i needed you then

I dunno who these guys were – players or ex-players or PRs hired to look like players – but they were awesome with a steady flood of kids for 3 hrs.   Any gender concerns were GONE for the rest of the afternoon. We were here to get stoked on sports! Well done, Cardinals.


Alana as expected wanted to run stairs and change seats more than watch football. I was ready, had her dialed, a list of bullet points to pitch as distractions.   Shwag, a walk for autograph cards, and time alone from bigSister with her doting father — ammonia sniffs after getting snot-bubbled. WE’RE AT TRAINING CAMP, BITCH!!!! I let G do her own thing for 30 seconds or 5 minutes, to let her be her or Alana be Alana, getting Monster the Lesser away from Monster the Greater, or me away from both of them so I can throw money at another 6 minutes of entertainment.

They both loved it. They love to join in, they love the jumping and screaming and cheering.   I pointed G to #11, explained QB\WR drills, 7v7, 11v11. Soccer and Ultimate and practice and flow, hard work and perfection and the HOF. She nodded, and watched transfixed. Larry Fitzgerald is the best football player i’ve ever seen, he makes insane catches during drills, constantly.

G, Alana…meet Larry and Tirran. Shoulda given G the camera.






my GPS said 27 miles back east around the megalopolis, to the MMR Swim Team banquet. Another night winning the party, they got home bout 10.


Tuesday we met everyone’s teachers, went to the zoo, and went to soccer practice. The byline of this is Desperate Houselife, but it was a special evening.   We 3 were so dialed to eachother, so relaxed and energized from a great day, days.   G started her season practicing with her got to play with her team, had a meltdown, and then played harder after i hugged her.

I turned round to find Alana riding towards me, strapped herowndamnself with gloves and helmet, asking WTF did you leave me over at the playground? She’s had 2 sessions without training wheels, and resisted another try so fiercely til she saw G going hard and getting all the approbation. I didn’t play them against eachother, exactly, just set up a situation where Alana would be well motivated.

She did 3 or 4 spins then bailed, 3 or 4 spins then bailed. Jumped off safely, put her feet down safely, over and over til i got so frustrated with her denudedness. She was so close, but didn’t want to put it all together, didn’t want to commit, to trust. So different than G and I. A good coach makes it about the player. I left to check on her sister, genuinely in need of a hug facing her tougher new baseline, which Alana did not like one single bit.

In 1 hr she got it. Flopping to spinning, through my shouts of ‘keep pedaling’ til she did, and rode 100 yards at a time …5 times in a row. It clicked so fast its only fed all my deepest mistrusts about her “laziness” or “bad biking.” She can’t pose anymore.

 helmet hair!!!!

Girls ready for school.



Semi Speechless

Here is an snip from a local journal about hiking to the Lookout, along Tom’s Thumb and East End trails.

“Consider your journey to be an opportunity for solitude and contemplation. If you are not one to hike by yourself, this might be the time to do it and focus on your inner communication. If hiking is always a group activity for you , consider setting some ground rules. No conversation outside of what the hike inspires. No long drive necessary. No high clearance vehicles required. Enjoy the opportunity for solitude right in your own back yard.   If you choose to take this journey, do not hurry. This is a hike to linger upon. Go to the Lookout to enjoy the jourey as well as the destination. Linger at the top. Contemplate. Go there to sit and think. Be peaceful with yourself. Revel in knowing that among millions in our urban sprawl, you are in a place that belongs to the milleniums [sic]. You are in a place that, because of the forethought of local residents, will have a future shaped by the eternal forces of nature.”

This article cracked me up, in light of recent posts about some over-zealous folks and their exclusive view of how one should enjoy nature. Its not a holy pilgrimage where i must make burnt offerings; solitude is shared with hundreds of others coming up the trail behind me or before me. Maybe my generation expects to be outside, at least compared to some older people or transplants who didn’t grow up with the outdoors as part of their culture. Or are lifetime indoor-jobbers. I don’t know if I should be charitable or thankful or pitying people so surprised what they’ve missed all along they think they must wrap it up in a museum.

Riding is part of my life several times a week, being outdoors every day is part of my biorhythm and i can’t imagine it not being so, just as i can’t imagine not having my girls and my wife. Like parenthood or marriage, so much of the beauty is deconstructing the parts to grow closer to the greater whole.   How do erosion and weather patterns require changes in balance and power to meet the results of runoffs down 20% grades? If I flow like water, how will i react to golfball and baseball size rocks filling the ruts? Keeping time plots our subjugation to nature’s changes, and its so much more fun with music and friends and   screaming relief after   a hard switchback, tinkling at the summit, and stopping at the tequila tree before I’m done. I rolled the Firebird up Tom’s Thumb at 5am, so I could have a tool to live alive in meat space. I suffered, it was fun, i hit the dh better than i’ve ever done and it had me grinning all day.

Snowbowl Road Hill Climb

Me and our friend Amy talked Beckie into this 7 miles and 2200 vf bit of flagstafickry. Bonus that Noel and Amy again had us as guests for a weekend out of Hell.

Look! Riding at noon! Sunset TH to the AZT->Dogfood->Schultz.   tinyShredder wants to lead, tinyShredder doesn’t stop, tinyShredder hit the double at the bottom of Schultz, tinyShredder snapped her first derailleur…I’m so proud!


this transpired while Noel and I hammered back up Schultz to get the cars. but really, with these kids I’m no longer impressed.


up early the next morning for the ladies to run up a big hill.







Amy joined by Aran and Gianna



see those dots up the hill? neither can i. I am a responsible parent, i let my wife go up with them.


Having shuttled up to the base of a ski resort, with two tired potential drivers, Noel and I did the only sensible thing and bombed back down.


18 miles, 3000 vf, with a welcome 45 minute climb in the middle. Aspen and pines and singletrack and hero-dirt.



E-Vulture Corporate Retreat

First bikepack!

Thanks James for the loaner gear.


Kickoff at Mother Road. Gnome, Gordon, Yuri, Flo.


First night camping outside Walnut Canyon, with all the beer we could carry. Thanks Yuri for the pics, many more on his site.


3 hrs on the AZT


several pitchers at the Mormon Lake Lodge


camping night#2





Weekends in Hell IV: RP

so far, so surprisingly awesome. ask me again on 8-15 how I feel…

May 31 – June 1
picked kids up from school on bikes for shenanigans in the golf course sprinklers, water fountains, golf course lake. ghetto is fine with us if its wet.

Saturday: more keepin it realz at Wet & Wild, stared at lots of boltons and tats. 
Sunday: paddle Lower Salt with Sam Schoch, the Phx lowclass summer trifecta!

June 7-9
Friday: When was the last time you ran under sprinklers? Whatever your answer, its been too long. it doesnt take a child to show them the light, it takes a father who wants their kids to not complain about the heat to trip into facilitation genius. Saturday: Scottsdale Might Mud Mania. Sunday: Pool at the gym and hot tub.

June 14-16
Wet and Wild after school, 3…count them…3 swim\parties, then we all slept late hid inside and cooked on father’s day.




June 21 – last-time-til-soccer-season-ends beachtrip


2 powder days in the estuary



G gets a turn with the SLR

high tide after the solstice

little blond shovelers


Los caballeros parked their horses in a copse of trees behind our house.


I’ve never seen him do that before. Fortunately we had a pile of carrots we’d been hauling up and down the beach all weekend trying to feed them.   Some backstory – the kids were out in the water both days the horses came by, and lamented their lonely horses, after missing them last trip as well. Such wpp, 3 whole months without duddy and mummy buying them pony rides. A black kitten with white mittens 2 days in a row appeared in our kitchen, G spoilt it with milk dubbed it Mittens the Kitten. Struck she was with prepuvettant hormones.

Our last night i came a’flying down the beach, exploding my calves in my toe-shoes after 2 days of running and climbing dunes and paddling with flippers, upon rendering myself hobbled for 3 days i cried thusly ‘the british are coming!‘   i had 6 minutes to find that line, and i thought – on the whole – it killed. I even fake-panted while i croaked it out a final time.

Beckie cracked the tiniest hint of a smile, at least my devastated reaction to her reaction led to a 15 minute civics lesson for the kids.   The horses still weren’t there. They got so busy with their other colonies, the sun did set on the British Empire, we were out of beer, and had a lot of seafood and salsa back at the house.

good irony




It hurts to admit you are willing to compromise your bike morality

Imagine me, pumped and flexing like a Spartacus Season 1, foaming at the mouth, breathing fire, tearing limbs off the awful evil empire Big Red S. Blood in the street, quality triumphs over price-point, marketing driven back in holy war against engineering.



That is really played. Especially for $21 shipped to store, next to the gym. I challenge anyone to find a better 20″ 2.1 mildly-directional dry-conditions mtb tire. The dipshits in Specialized’s marketing dept probably built it thinking parents think it looks cool. They don’t know what they got. Slicks or bmx tread are 95% of the available inventory, the rest is too knobby. Its the closest thing I’ve found in 20″ to a WTB Exiwolf, Bronson, Weirwolf, a Nevegal or a High Roller or Ignitor.

The Hotrock is about $75 too much, but is still my favorite kids bike. Even if I had to replace the crankset cause the plastic chainguard sheared off the steel rings, leaving it dangerous to do otherwise. They warrantied it, of course.   Multiply that ratio of 75\325 by about…14, the amount Specialized rips your off for a real bike, and you can quantify how much   disgust and discount i will tolerate to ride with my tinyShredder.