Bulldozed 2

giveth, taketh away, and shit.

Across Bell road they are building something, and the ground is stacked up carved up like a playground.

“girls we need to hit that asap!

I stopped the car and pointed while they glanced a monsoon rainbow over Bell Pass, conveyed its temporality, and we agreed to hit it tomorrow night (instead of pedaling home from school), if i would check out how packed it was.

I burst in after the last v1 Tequila Tree ride, evah, and G knew my big secret as soon as i shouted “Guess what!!”

 “The hill is ridable!!!”

I dropped a couple 2 footers, rolled others I could not see, and tested the pitches. It took another week til G and I explored, freerode, created a Geneline g-out down the long easy face and up a 2 foot carved ledge that we kicked out and clawed and packed enough for a navigable 8yo tranny.


you said, who said, whut about my parenting?

The next night we returned with Alana, and Beckie, and a shovel.  We added an Alanaline stepping down a foot then another, scratched in a line up the other side as the Arizona soil turned solid so fast, and an approach line to the top of the small pitch. Marked em with rocks, so hard to see in the dark, when you finally line it up you don’t believe the foot-wide safe lines are there, but you do it anyway, cause you learned. First time for both of them to suspend their disbelief and ride it anyway. #parentingforgnarness

The hill got torn up the next week, and it was too dark and we had too much fun to take pics. but it looked a little like this:

2014 0508 Alana RagePT


Summer in Hell

Its been 3 yrs since we had a genuine summer escape…*sigh*. Vacation time and fundage did not align, i am almost used to it, i will not whine: Costa Rica in January, and the Keys this Fall! Hunker down for summer, Arizona! charge your lights, stop wearing socks and underpants, enjoy the logjam on I-17. All my July rides started at 3:30am or 9pm, and rarely climbed more than an overpass.

It didn’t seem like we did much, but putting together all these pics, I still missed our weekend to Pittsburgh, day trip to Horton Creek, sub24overnight bikepack along the Verde River, and a follow-up swim trip with the kids, 110 degree canal tour around the city, Ice Den, and swim meets.

3x a week. Genevieve is fearless and Alana no longer a fear – I sure couldn’t do a 50 when i was 5yo

G and Jasmine at the start of the Mud Run




Alana and Julianne


4:38 FIP
up Bell Pass in the dark->Fountain Hills stuff so fast southward i’ve never before not hated the FH McDs until I rode them clockwise, up over the stellar new Sunrise bypass, north through Scottsdale. 4hrs of awesome and home before the family woke up.


cat bonding

SCIENCE! Camp week taking things apart and putting things together.

road warmup to meet Seron at Lost Dog TH, out and back Sunrise to the bypass, 3 hrs of awesome and home before the family woke up



the AC died

Another outstanding John idea: Cabin Loop and AZT up above the Rim, Blue Ridge Reservoir and Clint’s Well.


the one an only pic i took this weekend

Lots of great pics and writeup on Seron’s site, and on John’s site.

A day at camp making this 3×3 mural, which now hangs from G’s ceiling.

impressive transformation from the take-home version to production. some rule-of-thirds and quality control shit i did not teach her.

girls and i took a day trip to West Clear Creek, NW of Payson. Not too many pics, too busy spotting them for 3 straight hours. Adult:Monster ratio might have been a bit lean on this one. The hike in is about 500 vf down a canyon, lot of rock scrambling and downed trees. G was awesome, Alana did a great job taking instructions.





both girls, but Alana especially, ripped the climb out. Rockwall everyday at Lifetime summer camp was evident,  only Alana’s conditioning slowed her down. such a difference from the precarious descent and wading.

Beckie’s cousins Tom, Sasha, Marin and Oscar visited from Baltimore, and took the girls to Bartlett Lake.




Overnight in Prescott – Granite Creek Park PT!
standover height on the Malice is about the same as on her 20 inch, and it rolls much better. G fumbles using 8yo vocabulary to express what an $1100 purpose-built bike feels like.




Soccer camp at Embry-Riddle University; a week staying in the dorms and practicing 5hrs a day. I wish i had her life.

then we took Alana for a hike in the Dells to Watson Dam




Alana and i survived a week alone with each other. Broccoli w bacon grease is still broccoli, and its still good for you

pickup the next Thursday. I missed her THIS much!

Suddenly Turtle started fading. then her hind legs stopped, and a week later she was gone. I don’t miss her much, but I respect our 14 yrs together. Beckie wanted another kitten, before the body was even cold. I don’t get that, 6 months later and I still can’t look at pictures of Kila. But I don’t really love cats, rather enjoy snuggling with them and grabbing their bloated tummies and making 2 of them chase a laser pointer at once. They come and go into our home, where they shake Valhalla until they vanish, and feast on Pounce. Goodbye Turtle.

Welcome Bugs! You are white with a splash of brown on your tail, siamese with beautiful blue eyes that will never fade.

Crumb and Bugs – brothers from another mother. Two days of hissing, and then they were magnets.

Top of Mt. Elden in Flag. Short hike along Organ Donor adjacent to a storm, yellow and orange high-altitude flowers we never get to see

G and I rolled Elden Lookout Road, 7 miles\2k straight down, all the way to the Schultz Y, ruts and ruffage that is much harder on a 20inch. The entire time she could have hurt herself, and only once did i get skeered. Ride out the wobble, G! And she did. We chatted, and enjoyed the cliffs and the slopes and forest, squared up on the ruts, took breaks when our hands got tired, reveling  top-to-bottom of a real mountain. We hiked up Wasabi til above the boulder roll, so I could show her what she can aspire to, and we paralleled while I followed Lower Oldham next to the road. Today we went up the AZT at 418 2.5 miles almost nonstop til a storm turned us back. It took more than 2x longer last year, and it shrugged off her. She might just be my #3 riding buddy of all time, definitely no lower than 6th. And she has the opportunity to close.

What would you do if you knew you just met your #1 riding buddy of all time? We couldn’t stop fist bumping.

Training Camp  



Favors Fortune Boldly

Happy Easter!!




Atheistic holiday co-option is ok with me if there are happy girls and reese’s cups


let’s build something together, slowly, need shower and coffay



the Chollaballs decided that crayons and our fingers and dipping sauces are more exciting than stickers and premade decorations.  We even tried lemon juice from our prolific tree.  The pulp left the shell nasty, but it made photoshop-quality textures along with a natural yellow-straw tint.




glitter glue. we called him Liberace


dino egg


Alana thought this looked like me







Beckie and I were bored of egg hunts in the back yard, these kids are too spoiled and too hard. So we gave her 5 mins head start, then the kids rode their bikes to the high school lot. Chasing the rabbit. Sounds easy, but a 100 x 100 yard search grid says otherwise.


see it, me neither, ‘lana does









this went well


a short candy break, then after the rabbit again!








teenyTinyShredder earning it



freerange egghunt






the chocolate melted, the jelly beans did not, Beckie sped home. G pushed her bike out of the wash around a fence, towards Westworld. Said she’d meet us back at the water fountain. tinyShredder is not so tiny any more.

Alana kept speed downgrade to ride over the kibble, back up the MUP, spotting her sister about when I was ready to panic.

Fun Dip is a good lunch, right? Still had energy for this and a trip to the pool


Dog-Sized Hole

Lissie – Go Your Own Way

Kila died on Tuesday, February 4.  Her whole face swelled up the Friday before, big like a St. Bernard, i wanted to take a picture but that would have been cruel. The Vet and our thought was a scorpion bite or similar.  Kila got a steroid and some meds, which masked some pain and the vet said would upset her stomach, so we didn’t really tumble to how little she was eating til later on Saturday, which was pretty much too late.

Kila spent a terrible day shuffling from room to room, inside then outside then back in again, staying on her feet, full of stress and dogonlyknowswhat, shunning the many pillows we laid out for her. Why wouldn’t a dog who willingly snoozes for 20 hrs a day rest if she was achey?  We gave her painkillers and antacids and benadryl.  She’d survived so much for so long we just thought it was an injury, even though in her whole floor-lying life shed never been bit by a scorpion.  In retrospect, she was sluggish and not eating much starting on Wednesday. Easy to see now, who the fuck dies from a scorpion bite? She’s gotten so old and used to treats that its not unusual for her to skip her dry food for a day, or want a slow walk instead of a run. I didn’t take her to the Vet til noon on Friday, or panic when she didn’t quickly get better. The Vet too was calm about it, it just didn’t seem urgent.

Kila is 90 and had a great long life, loved by her family. The banality of saying that makes me strive to say something original, but I figure that sentiment is as old as mankind, so its probably genetics making me say it and believe it. The more death I see I realize its lucky to grow old, and even luckier to die gently.  For months I’d hoped to one morning find Kila still and unwakeable on the porch, gone painlessly in her sleep. Not collapsed on the floor, smeared in a thin coat of her own blood. Sunday i slept on the couch next to her, til she crawled off silently in her own pain. Monday night I told her i loved her, what a good girl she was, scratched her ears and left her gasping where she’d collapsed in the back yard.  Her last act was to drag herself inside out of the sprinklers. I’m sure she didn’t feel inglorious about it, versus being ripped apart by other huskies.  At least she made it onto the tile to bleed.

I get it now, i have a pattern. When an old person who has had medical care finally dies, they crash down quickly, the inevitable being held off so long by money and medicine. I just didn’t expect it in dog-years.

For three days she wouldn’t eat. Only some chicken broth I found puked up in the yard a week later. We gave her meat puree and soup, we made a ham but she rejected hamfat. She drank water, her hips collapsing under her while she sipped from her bowl. Finally she was sitting, a little, falling to the side and forcing herself upright. Nodding off, fighting sleep. It must be a sick-dog thing to reject rest. I incredulously thought to myself “she is dying.”

She deteriorated.  Her facial swelling had subsided, and Sunday we saw a lump on her jaw too big for a bite, which on Monday we found out to be an abscess full of staph and strep. Dog can’t talk to tell us she has a toothache, that was probably blooming into an infection for days. The parrot would have said  my beak is killing me take me to an ornithologist. But not the dog. The closest she came was Thursday night, when she sat directly under the legs of my chair, another thing she’d avoided her whole floor-lying life. But never made a whimper.

Damn dog.

We were prepared to put her down Monday, and it would have saved her so much pain, but the vet suggested draining the abscess and immediate antibiotics and subcutaneous fluid might turn it around.  We wanted to give her one last shot, probably more than she wanted it. Monday was awful for Kila, she couldn’t stand, continued to slowly bleed from the shoulder, puked up food we spoon fed her, along with a stomachful of blood. She was whining and was so weak.

I hope she forgave us her last torment for 3+ yrs living with Valley Fever and 6 months of steady painkillers; medicine had been good to her so far. Any bitterness she may have felt went into the incinerator with her. They knocked $25 off the cremation price, because she was no longer 51-100 lbs. Only my guilt remains. Would you risk 1 day of pain for a chance at a few more months? I would, so I will not self-flagellate. I’m just really, really sad.

The last morning I carried her on a blanket curled up like a baby, a little dogball. I had never carried her that way before, and she had never looked at me with resignation before. Kila always looked at you like she…had a say in the matter. Always her bright eyes said she was ready, ready for something, ready to stand there slack-jawed and await the train bearing down on her but ready nonetheless to face that train. She finally was calm after they gave her the sedative cocktail, and moments after the vet finished the lethal injection her heart stopped.

I have not experienced the sudden stillness of death since Tsaina died in 2001. I am so very lucky. There was Kila, then gone. I wanted to hold on, for Kila not to be dead, to scratch her ears and nuzzle her neck and kiss  the magic doghead for just a moment more. There was nothing to be saved from that second not already tattooed in my memory, but it would have meant she hadn’t left us.

Kila’s fur is course, she looks chocolatey creamy and caramel, but its really a shiny layer of dirt and grim and dogscust. Scratching her for any length of time galvanizes upon you that you are intimate with a filthy lyingdownwith dog. Your fingernails get dirty. Its the downy undercoat that creates Kila’s velvety impression. Her undercoat is so warm it feels hot, and sweat beads on your lip immediately when you kiss her.  The fluff adheres to your nostrils and eyebrows and dries your eyes, sticks in your stubble, you pull back and wipe your face and squint. Chin-to-neck and shoulder-to-shoulder are the best ways to snuggle with Kila, inhale her richness and glow and butterscotch.

Her eyes didn’t shut, even after i tried pulling her lids down like in every tv show. I kissed her neck anyway, pushed my face all the way in. The tips of her fur were already cooling. I had to, and i had to smell the blood and rot in her mouth one last time. That’s what killed her, not me. That smell — decay, disease, death — wouldn’t leave me for several days. It engrosses me every time i edit this post.

Tsaina took a long time to die. Her body was still so strong, the cancer in her leg having not fully destroyed her. I felt so guilty over Tsaina for so long, that we went too soon and she was so young. We needed it done finally more than she did, we’d agreed on Tsaina’s fate a lot farther out. Compared to Kila’s anguish, I can finally forgive myself for the decision to not let Tsaina suffer. In Kila’s last moment did she see herself as a puppy nursing her momma again with her brothers and sisters? Did she think of us, or the kids, or see a white light? Or did she gratefully greet the soft blessing of sleep, and fade out with a blissful buzz? I miss you so much Kila, I am so sorry.

The vet will return your cremated dog’s ashes to you, if you pay an extra $50.  I didn’t want her ashes, but somehow seeing her swept up like rubbish felt wrong. So i decided the family will have a wake for her. Eventually. I haven’t had the fortitude yet; I get angry listening to Alana ask questions about where Kila went and if we’ll get another dog. She is still young and so insensitive, she doesn’t realize her mercilessness.

Kila is gone, and I feel addled. Each day for the last two weeks I have been overwhelmed by the extra efforts of prewashing dishes, so many wasted calories, the cosmos will surely punish me til i adopt another dog. I made a whole ham and my dog died. Her last act as a diner was to somewhere bury the hambone that she wouldn’t eat. I haven’t found it in the yard yet. I’m sure when i do I will break down into sobs. The house is much quieter. No double slap-slap slap-slap of her going in or out, ripples of clicking tired toenails, shameless sloshing in the water bowl or toilet, tongue sliding a plate around the tile floor, barking at someone to tell them what the fuck was up. The hair on the floor, in every crevice, in my clothes are almost gone. There is less dust, and i swear the air inside the house is crisper. I get out in the mornings quicker and have an extra hour every night. So much more time to waste inside, the kids stare at video games where just days ago we took dogwalks and explored the dark. I’m in no rush to head back out. My bright eyes are shattered, its too lonely. I don’t know how to do it, watching a sunset without my dog.

Deafening Dog Dying

As she has aged, Kila has gotten more willful, opinionated, generally difficult to control. She’s also gotten mellower and tired and less mobile.   I’m striving everyday to tolerate her changes and be more empathetic to her aging.   To be kinder with simple gestures like opening the kitchen door instead of making her go round to the dog door, to let her dictate the pace of our runs, and toss her lunchmeat for no good reason.

I’m still pissy when she misbehaves, over her knowing better yet continuing to be a perfect shit about it. Her ability to get into trouble and her desire to do so have grinded into wistful appreciation, frustration, apprehension, and dgaf for age and limitations over her disobedience. One might call this an amazingly well-behaved pet. She is not-so-needy, very sweet, very amenable, very calm. Very old.

We got Kila in 11-01, when she was   mebbe 9 months.   She walked shyly out of the kennel, not ready to look us in the eyes, but warmed up to us within minutes. I brought her up the elevator into my office to grab my laptop on the way back across the Valley, and she was remarkably easy. The rescue agency called her Valkyrie, she forgot that name the first night we took her for a walk to the Pink Park in our old Mesa neighborhood, and showed so much trustworthiness we let her sample offleash in the grass. The next day we took Kila for a hike in the Superstitions.

day2: still one of my very favorite pics of her

Tday, Pinetop, AZ, 2001


Tday, Pinetop, AZ, 2001

Salt River, 2-02

Kila has had years of offleash freedom, to grow, self-esteem, sniff and smell and sort signals and be a wild dog in a not-so-wild world, connected to Beckie and I, riding her gravytrain. Counting countless offleash runs in the desert would start at  365×12, minus 20% (for me, not Kila, Beckie had her back), minus maybe 4% for the days she didnt get out, plus 14% all the days camping or at the beach where there were no leashes.

Dogwalks with Kila were daily recenters into reality, living life in meatspace.   Without regular connections to my nascent hunter-gatherer, my pack…what would today look like?   Maybe much more successful and organized, maybe my brain would be smarter but my head dumber and duller without runzeheunding. Kila took me from Ultimate into Biking, my teammate. Thank you Shweetness for training me.

Summer, 2002, San Francisco. look at the long dog!

K-Dog: Rocket at Large. summer, 2002, east side of the Sierra Nevadas

She used to run Bulldog Canyon 20 miles end-to-end; she got me ticketed flying up to the Wind Cave in Usery Park; she outpaced our group through Sycamore Canyon and on the long downhill from KA Hill at Alex’s first Rancho Relaxo weekend in 2005. Byron talked about her wheels in his toast at our wedding. My Fantasy Football name for her was Rocket99.

Mt. Baldy, AZ, Aug 2004

Kila, Sweetness, aka Swedish Dog, aka, Snuggler: snuggling on the bed, Jan 05

I’ve watched Kila run for 12 years, getting a little slower and wearier every year.   Pics havent changed much, unless you know what to look for. More calmness, more focus, more boredom, more stoicism, more pain. She’s closer, or she’s completely off on her own doing her owndamnthangherowndamnself. Only 3 paws touch the ground with authority now, her neck is thin, her hips brittle, her undercoat thicker, her back and her belly no longer hard, a benign tumor on her driver’s side front. Her weight is as low as when she nearly died of Valley Fever in 2010. I am sure other dogs notice.

middle age paunch, barrel chest, badattytoid for an alpha girl, Tday 2009


I was her best friend, who would do whatever she wanted. Her wanderings led to miles of suburban freeriding, granular gnarular explorations sniffing our way through our neighborhood and all the ledges it had to drop from, peeing on bushes and charging under sprinklers on golfcart paths. Now I grin while the kids splash in mudpuddles and roll in the milk chocolate dirt beside splashpads. My parenting philosophy is: kids and dogs will go insane if they do not play in the forest. If the girls knew better, they’d thank you Kila for us.

Arizona dog, enjoying a fresh lake the day after a storm, Feb 2010

Since I’ve had kids, I may have spent more 1-on-1 time with the dog than with my wife. Some of it is deeper, we will go through dying together first, and neither of us are afraid of the dark.

Durango CO, August 2010, happy to be out of the furnace

Durango, CO, March 2012

Kila and I had kids when we were 35. I’ve gotten drunker and fatter, she is dying. I have 7 years of pictures of tinyHumans and their nanny.

Kila, meet G, 02-15-06


Xmas, 2006

Jan 07

April 07

Ever vigilant, she would set up perimeter and throw down if a dog got too close. June 2010

Aug 2010, Telluride, CO

Oct 2011

New Years, 2011

New Years, 2011


June 2012

Dec 2012

I see my final 10 years in Kila’s last one, my prior 20 in her prior 3. Peaking, and dying.   My knees and back and neck are weary, ache constantly. Kila stumbled climbing the stairs. She is afraid of the truck, which used to sit atop her cool-list of things guaranteeing FUN!   What part of our identity dies when we can no longer be physical?

She doesn’t seem bothered by it. Tonight she shot out of the house and sprinted 100 yards. Ears back, teeth out, eyes squinty. She slowed, and picked up again, and repeated, then settled into a slow happy trot for the next 5 minutes. We wandered and nubby-nosed home for 30 more minutes. I hope that it fades so slowly, a little less desire everyday, so at the end I too am stoked for a good meal and to sleep on the cool tile floor for 18 hours.

Last year, a walk every few weeks ended with her disappearing and showing up at the house an hour later.   It was stressful, infuriating, embarrassing. Screaming in an easeway between 4 houses for 10 minutes, whistling, howling, moving 200 yards and doing it again. I know the dog knows better, which made it so much more exasperating.   It also kept her from a beating knowing she knew better – she was getting so old.     One day i put a plate down on the tile floor and she didn’t move. I rattled a cup of change next to her head and she didn’t move.   Another dog came into the house and she didn’t move.

A friend who is a vet says deafness is normal. She had a great life, and is living only under our patrimony. Walks are now leashed, and I wonder if she thinks it is the last   indignity she shall endure along with her shitty hips and getting a pill down stuffed down her throat 2x a day for Valley Fever. I would have given up.

I attached a cowbell and a blinky to her collar, and carry a light now, so we can find eachother. She stays closer. The inability to hear me seems to have become the new norm. Old dogs...blah blah blah…she is scared and wants to stay close.   Is the silence lonely for her?   She’s muted the screaming kids in the car and their horrible dvds, 28 years of Dora and her fucking backpack, its almost a blessing. My maternal grandfather was a mean old bastard when he died, and was happiest in a soft chair in the living room, where everyone else was glad he slunk off to. Maybe she likes the silence.

May 2013, still herds the fuck out of horses if they know what’s good for them

Her last weekend in Rocky Point she huddled in front of the portable AC unit, leaving the house only to potty and sniff. Happy. Ish. Good meal and 18 hours on the cool tile floor. This will be me, someday.

This will be me, someday. Distilled down to a few photos. Kila won’t touch anyone beyond our family, and as i get closer to dying that too will end, as my benefactors will stop paying for my website. Then Kila will be gone forever.

I’m writing this while she is wandering, and wondering if I should pay attention to her and savor every last moment instead. But nothing has changed with Kila in the last 5 years.   She wants to sniff and eat dead birds, she doesn’t give a shit if i’m watching. It’s definitely easier on me to see her still enjoying her moments, on her terms, and stay out of the way.

Recently I rode out for 3 hours searching central Scottsdale for a dog that disappeared 10 days ago, and seems to have been living off the land since. I read about it on Facebook. I didnt think id find her, but i had to help. I know coyote roads through that area so much better than everyone else. Shepherd mix. That dog was 10 months old, at the beginning of its life. Does Kila wonder why she is 3x older than she should be?

Kila is 91, she is beautiful, she still wants to run every night. She pants in the backseat for 5 hours and only shows displeasure the moment she can gtfo and piss herself sane. She takes my breath away, she chooses life. When she stops wanting treats, walks, or can no longer poop on her own i will put her down. What will my Obamacare end look like? I hope hers is better.

Spring Break, 2013

Weekends In Hell: Finale

Summer went by so quickly. Instead of a giant vacation to slow our focus it was day-in-day-out pools and playdates, rock walls and restaurants. The Monsters don’t want it to stop, I can’t wait for a return to structure, to not be sitting on a pool deck in 105 with a laptop cooking my balls and children possibly drowning.

We booked a weekend in Flag and I took 2 more days before they start school together.


Up north Saturday morn at a civilized hour for coffee and cereal. A short hike on Veit Springs trail up on the mountain. Short by my standards, perfect and challenging ups and downs wandering round rocks and mushrooms for 2 little girls.

then into the Lava Cave.

The entrance was intimidating, ~50 feet down a grinning rockfall with slippy lowhanging ceiling. On the way to the trailhead, down a graded gravel road, we passed a guy in a 4WD going 8mph.  Several of them. WTFF? Were we in the right place?   The pitch leveled, but the floor was never easy. It was fat-biking the reef in Rocky Point, walking a thick streambed, picking your way through the desert.   Even in light, you had to watch and adjust every step. Not double black, but definitely blue. We had 2 petzels, and 2 failing disposables.

I really didn’t want my girls in this clusterfuck, stressing to not be that dipshit Peenixan medivacking his kid out of a moonscape in total darkness, relying on fat tut-tutting Peenixans to help us.

It says we went 3/4 mile each way, it felt about 2x as much. Who knew? We resurfaced about an hour later, ish.   The Chollaballs typically make ~3mph on flat ground, so…yeah i guess so.   The darkness messed with my cues. The ceiling smashing me in the head messed with my cues. Changes for next trip: boots instead of running shoes, a proper light and reliable backup, cargo pants instead of a camelback cuz no one was thirsty anyway, and not being able to have a safety break.

The kids did better than us, lower and lighter, as long as i kept yelling watch your step, which they did with a remarkable sense of self-preservation. I shall claim credit for training them well.   The climb back out i was very concerned about Alana, but dayum our little whinyGirl primmaDonna physicallyDisinterested headInaJar focusOfaGnat is more natural to climbing and gymnastic moves than any of us. Last week she taught herself to do a backflip off the pool deck, and I kinda feel like i should let her keep doing it.

leave the SLR behind, there are better pics online.


Sunday we rolled 418 to Bismark Lake again. ferns vs. aspen, another wonderful season in Flag.

Amanita Muscaria. Poisonous and hallucinogenic!.

If you want the ultimate thrill, you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.
I just quoted Patrick Swayze.








Monday morning we drove back down into Hell, napped, then enjoyed the free air-conditioned NFL TRAINING CAMP!!!!!!!!


Kidzone football drill obstacle course!

G: are they monsters?
Me: no they’re cool fun,  like gym teachers
G: *blink blink*
Me: freakishly big and strong gym teachers.


G was nervous, around all the boys. I told her she was likely faster, and after 20 seconds getting fired up she did not stop bouncing off the walls for 20 minutes.Which amped up the littlePrincess too.

7 years went under the bridge like time was standing still.

touched you once I touched you twice i won’t let go at any price.

I need you now like i needed you then

I dunno who these guys were – players or ex-players or PRs hired to look like players – but they were awesome with a steady flood of kids for 3 hrs.   Any gender concerns were GONE for the rest of the afternoon. We were here to get stoked on sports! Well done, Cardinals.


Alana as expected wanted to run stairs and change seats more than watch football. I was ready, had her dialed, a list of bullet points to pitch as distractions.   Shwag, a walk for autograph cards, and time alone from bigSister with her doting father — ammonia sniffs after getting snot-bubbled. WE’RE AT TRAINING CAMP, BITCH!!!! I let G do her own thing for 30 seconds or 5 minutes, to let her be her or Alana be Alana, getting Monster the Lesser away from Monster the Greater, or me away from both of them so I can throw money at another 6 minutes of entertainment.

They both loved it. They love to join in, they love the jumping and screaming and cheering.   I pointed G to #11, explained QB\WR drills, 7v7, 11v11. Soccer and Ultimate and practice and flow, hard work and perfection and the HOF. She nodded, and watched transfixed. Larry Fitzgerald is the best football player i’ve ever seen, he makes insane catches during drills, constantly.

G, Alana…meet Larry and Tirran. Shoulda given G the camera.






my GPS said 27 miles back east around the megalopolis, to the MMR Swim Team banquet. Another night winning the party, they got home bout 10.


Tuesday we met everyone’s teachers, went to the zoo, and went to soccer practice. The byline of this is Desperate Houselife, but it was a special evening.   We 3 were so dialed to eachother, so relaxed and energized from a great day, days.   G started her season practicing with her got to play with her team, had a meltdown, and then played harder after i hugged her.

I turned round to find Alana riding towards me, strapped herowndamnself with gloves and helmet, asking WTF did you leave me over at the playground? She’s had 2 sessions without training wheels, and resisted another try so fiercely til she saw G going hard and getting all the approbation. I didn’t play them against eachother, exactly, just set up a situation where Alana would be well motivated.

She did 3 or 4 spins then bailed, 3 or 4 spins then bailed. Jumped off safely, put her feet down safely, over and over til i got so frustrated with her denudedness. She was so close, but didn’t want to put it all together, didn’t want to commit, to trust. So different than G and I. A good coach makes it about the player. I left to check on her sister, genuinely in need of a hug facing her tougher new baseline, which Alana did not like one single bit.

In 1 hr she got it. Flopping to spinning, through my shouts of ‘keep pedaling’ til she did, and rode 100 yards at a time …5 times in a row. It clicked so fast its only fed all my deepest mistrusts about her “laziness” or “bad biking.” She can’t pose anymore.

 helmet hair!!!!

Girls ready for school.

