benevolent genebris

somehow Genevieve found colored pencils. a whole tin of them. this is very very dangerous and potentially messy, very very messy.. Apparently…apparently Beckie has had these pencils approximately “for ever” R.A. Holmes, Jun 17 2007. I have never once so much as caught a whisper of the pencils, but G sniffs them out like blood to a shark. It takes me the better part of a day to collect all the pencils from all the tiny fists and tiny hiding places.

So, we store the pencils on a higher shelf.

Today the pencils were re-discoverd. tinyHuman is growing. I was a bit annoyed, more to clean up.

Later I am working on my bike. My knees had been hurting and I felt cramped in the seat, i needed to raise the seat a smidge. this is always difficult, my seatpost has no gridmarkers, and it does not show a mark well. how will I know how much to raise it?


i chose light blue. i rode 3.5 hrs on the Double Bypass this morning. knees feel great.

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