the longest yard, the stupidest blog

I watched the remake of The Longest Yard w. Adam Sandler. Some of it was funny, but it was the wrong role for Sandler. Cocky and dry humor is not his thing, Burt Reynolds stole the move as Nate Scarborough. Michael Irvin’s guest appearances was cool he is still in shape. a few parts better than the original I like how Crewe confesses to his team about throwing the game, and how they gatorade the warden at the end. A few places where they went bigger\sexier\moremoremore from the first movie was amusing like with the enormous convicts, but on the whole it wasnt much of a flick. It could have been a lot better. The Indian broadcaster alongside Chris Berman was a great idea wasted — what do you not have to do to play well off Chris Berman?

So why am I bothering to write a tepid summary of my thoughts about an average movie? The Blog made me do it!! OK its partly cause I wrote most of this over Memorial Day weekend when I was alone all weekend w. no one but a baby to talk to, but something about publishing your life is addicting, and not in a good way. I find myself watching things and thinking about how I will describe them, not just watching them. Its like a constant dialog in my head, what is going on along with what i will say about it. Its so contrived and so meta, its Scrubs and Ally McBeal and flashback-mashup storytelling all churned together. I don’t like it.

I am living online at the expense of living, and recording my experiences at the expense of experiencing them. Somehow because every experience can be recorded, you feel like you’ve lost something if you don’t record it.   Even the ones that don’t really bare recording.   And somehow because I can register a domain name and run WordPress, I feel I am the Quentin Tarantino and Ridley Scott of my own domain.   Every lost post is now a lost masterpiece in my personal Oscar night.

Really most of this is just a mediocre movie.

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