Election Thoughts

People seem ridiculously fanatic about voting in person. this i do not understand? what is the big fat fear over absentee ballots? Are you that worried about your vote not getting counted? fraud?   For years people were paranoid about fraud at the polling stations, but now that is suddenly secure?   i just don’t buy it, especially when the option is sitting in line for an hour getting gabbed at by Seniors.

Arizona supposedly has a form that allows you to permanently request a mail-in ballot. but somehow this did not work for me this time around. i am not sure if i mailed it in, or if it was a plot to stop me from voting ever again?!?!

i am revolted by the bullshit the Democrats pulled in disallowing the delegates from Michigan and Florida. and with nary a peep in the media. The time is long gone for Iowa and New Hampshire to have such a disproportionate influence in the national campaign. The increased number of states running primaries on this Super Tuesday is perfect evidence that people want their primaries to make a difference and not be an afterthought to the nominations. maybe back in the day before the internet, those 2 little sad states made for a good pre-season game as candidates honed their messages, but its ridiculous that they should wield more influence than a Michigan or a Florida and be responsible for such a reduction of the field. The Democrats putting their party before their people was disgusting, but hardly surprising. I remembered that 20 years ago i read Robert Michels’ Political Parties, and was pleasantly surprised that i can now legitimately drop such a catchy phrase as “the iron law of oligarchy” without being a poser.

the tv news is over the top. Every channel at the gym had live coverage, or at the very least a ticker running on the bottom of the show. Elections do not require up-to-the-instant coverage, but watching the networks try to do a play-by-play was hysterical. One station had a play clock counting down time remaining in North Dakota. then it switched to time remaining in California, which was the same time but an hour later. Am I the only one who saw the time zones displayed on their always visible maps, or was everyone else just distracted by the topo map accentuating the Idaho border? There were graphics of very martial looking donkeys and elephants wearing UnderArmour and tunics. Fox News actually had a bolded title on screen New Results When Polls Close at 10! This was probabaly a fascinating headline for many of Fox’s viewers.

finally, i found myself trying to rationalize an acceptance of Hillary Clinton. Personally, I can’t stand Hillary. I don’t trust her, i don’t like her, i find her sleazy and fake and generally an ugly person. her mannerisms annoy the crap out of me, and she just strikes me with her body language as a catty bored know-it-all.   But then i thought…well, New York is a pretty educated, diverse state with lots of Republicans and Democrats, blue collar and money, cities and country…maybe they know something we don’t know? they are not a bunch of hayseeds from Iowa or New Hampshire?   I mean, if you had to pick one state to be a good reflection of a broad spectrum, New York would certainly be it.   Which is scary cause it means Hillary really is electable.