Where Are Your Shoes?

I looked in G’s shoe drawer today, and found only the leftovers and unwanted weird shoes that don’t fit or aren’t practical or she doesn’t like. This is not new. G loves to take out shoes, then leave them randomly around the house.

Except there were no shoes left around the house.

I said “where are your shoes?” And she quickly walked me down the hall to the gear room where her most popular shoes were stacked tidily on our shoe rack.

G remembering details is still new enough to me that it takes me by surprise. Where is the line between habit, long-term memory, and short-term memory? Her seatbelt is a habit; Kila is a long-term memory; the shoes on the shoe rack just happened over the weekend!!!

Its getting a lot harder to fool her into submission – she knows when I say “let’s get clean” but get into the shower that she is screwed and is going to have to get a shower instead of a bubble-bath. She doesn’t need to see the hairbrush to know that the last thing we do when getting dressed is pull the knots out of her hair. She knows our parking spot a quarter mile from the park means its time to nag me into carrying her.

In some ways this advanced comprehension makes her easier to reason with – she remembers it takes time to make breakfast so she is willing to wait (as long as she sees me promptly cracking and stirring eggs at a frantic pace).     And sometimes she solves her own problems – yesterday we needed to get Kila a tuggy-toy so she would stop gnawing on G’s pet parrot while we were chasing each other around the house.   G led me to her room and we quickly found the tuggy in her toybox.

Could have been a lucky guess, a lot of crap ends up in that toybox?

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