Sisters and Daughters

So we got the final green light from the doctors on the baby…no amnio this time, so we aren’t 100% sure that all is well, but with the testing that was done, we have pretty good odds (1:3,000 or so) that she is normal.

I was also amazed at how much ultrasound technology has improved in the last three years. When I was having G, 3D ultrasounds were fairly new, and I didn’t have one. I got to see some shots of this baby, and they are amazing. Here’s a very cool shot of her butt and foot…

Baby's Butt

And her face (snuggled up against the uterine wall)…

and another profile…

Another thumb-sucker

Looks like we have another thumb-sucker on our hands. Think of the money we are saving on pacifiers.

These pics really make you think about abortion…the whole point of the 2nd trimester screen is that 20 weeks or so is about the latest you can terminate a pregnancy if there is an abnormality. It is hard to look at pictures like these and not see that the right-to-lifers have a point. There is most definitely a baby in there (albeit still very much a helpless, half-developed parasitic creature, IMO). Let’s just say I am very glad I didn’t get bad news at this appointment. My heart goes out to those who do.

Looking at these and knowing a sex definitely makes it harder to ignore. Even G recognizes these pics as a person…she keeps asking “Who is that?” and I say, “it’s your sister!”…and that is as far as we have gotten so far.