Unaccounted Guests

A typical trip to Rocky Point, with an atypical amount of attention paid to visitors. This was seemingly impossible, since other than Beckie and Kila and G, and Benito and Pancho at the fish market, I spoke barely 10 words to anyone all weekend, and those consisted of “whuh? um, ok. smile. one, two, three. you’re welcome.”

JB and his family were supposed to join us, and were packed and ready to go, other than for a missing birth certificate. They did not make it, we did not know, but by 4pm we had written them off. Too bad, as we had a grand time.

Little swimming was done by anyone but me and Kila. G entertained herself by storming the gates of this (unoccupied) beachfront house over and over. pirate-like.

She insisted we bring all this along each day.

Flies were everywhere

Dont Tase Me, Bro

All weekend G tried to fly one of the very complex, very twisted-and-broken kites in the garage. She found a better one tangled up in the dunes and railing of the yo-ho-house she pillaged.

It put up a fight.

But at least it flew

Sometime Sunday night, a cat snuck into the house, ate all of Kila’s food, then got itself chased into the cabinet. In the morning while I was drinking my coffee, I detected a malodorous smell. I found the cat, it shit in the cabinet, then bolted past me and down 2 flights of stairs in a single bound.

It looked like this

G wanted to get in the water, but the surf scared her. I was a bit disappointed at her lack of balls, but what do i know of where a 32 month-old-tinyHuman’s balls should be?

She was fired up to get in a boat nonetheless, and insisted that Beckie paddle

drunk, blogging, spinning

what a ridiculously stressful day – shopping for trucks and taking babies to Fall Festivals and shopping for bikes and shopping for Halloween costumes and road closures and walking the dog and getting my miles.

i’ve got a laptop, beer, and a (stationary) bike, and solitude. could be worse.   it could be a lot worse, or better, or i could roll with it and drink my beer and spin my wheels.

can one fall off a stainoary bike? I imagine i will test this thesis within the 45 minutes i have left.

Pay Attention!

Beckie had Oswald or some other dumb-ass kids show on in the living room.

What G said:   “you wanna watch Oswald [or some other dumb-ass kids show] with me?”

What G meant: “I’m so happy you want to watch Oswald [or some other dumb-ass kids show] with me.”

I turned to Beckie, she turned to me.

What I said: “Did you notice she asked me to watch   Oswald [or some other dumb-ass kids show] with her?”

What I meant: “Is she seriously going to make me watch Oswald [or some other dumb-ass kids show] with her?”

Beckie nodded sympathetically.

What Beckie said: “She asked me to watch   Oswald [or some other dumb-ass kids show] with her too.”

What Beckie meant: “I’ve been stuck here watching   Oswald [or some other dumb-ass kids show] with her”.

Its cute how she wants to share her interests with us, but a total chore to have to appear interested.   I could almost handle it when she watched the TV and I could at least work on my laptop, but now I’m a prisoner.   This is just a prelude to the horror of 1st Grade plays and dance recitals — at least now my captive attention is spent on G, 2 hours watching the boring crap of a bunch of other kids is more than any parent should be asked to bear.   I may have to buy an iPhone; can kids see that from the stage?   Why can’t she just do something civilized like blog about it, and pretend that there are “other people” out there who “care.”


G woke up before me, as she has been doing lately, so i stumbled into the kitchen to get her some chocolate milk so i could attempt to sleep a little longer. Sooner or later, I heard the clanking of plates and whatnot from the kitchen. So like a responsible parent, I continued to lay there in bed and hoped i wouldn’t hear any crashing, screaming, or hissing from the cat. Then G appears in the bedroom holding 3 apples, big giant softball-sized apples, apples the size of her head that barely fit in her two hands.

I woke up hearing this: chomp. crunch crunch. tumble thunk roll. uh-oh my apple! here it is! tumble thunk roll. uh-oh my apple! got it! tumble thunk roll.

Of course G was not satisfied with eating from just one apple, or putting any apples down – they all took an equal share of biting and abuse. If they bounced, it would have been funny; instead they just left little moist patches on the tile. She carried them around the house and back all morning. She sat them next to the shower and periodically opened the door to take a bite of a different one each time. She nibbled on them at the kitchen table while i made her eggs which, oddly enough, she had little appetite for. Then for some reason she decided to start eating a much smaller golden-delicious apple.

Well, yet again, I’d rather her make a mess with fruit than junk food.

Psych Out

I cant believe this took me 2 years to ride. It is across the street from Casa V and has taunted me from Day 1 when i only had the Blur and my DH’ing skills were far inferior. Then i was facing it without the security of the Heckler or pads, and alone never to be found if I crashed, and with only Mexican hospitals within 3 hours, having never seen anyone else ride it, and odds are good i was drunk.

It looks steeper in person.

It was so terribly anti-climatic and downright easy when i finally rode it. I guess that means I waited til the right time to nut-up.

My ability to drop my ass back behind the seat and handle big aggressive trial moves has been slowly improving. When you are in a long descent, you settle into that comfort zone, but transitioning to a quick steep drop takes more immediate focus in navigating the sharp change from horizontal to vertical and back again. My last two rides on National, this skill has been about the only redeeming quality of the rides. I’ve ridden National 5 times in the last 3 months, after practically once a week for 6 months, and my sloppiness climbing and hitting staircases has been showing – I slid all over 24th St. the first time I’d ridden it in 3 months. Tomorrow will be the first time I’ve hit National 2 weeks in a row since pads in the summer became an unbearable prospect.

So with some confidence and a whole lotta frustration over my recent National rides, I planned from the get-go to end my Rocky Point ride on this trial. My 2 hour, 20 mile RP route just keeps getting better, with minor alterations to avoid traffic and pick up little trials at the new condo complexes and through town. And I’ve found a reliable track out to a good beer spot overlooking the estuary 20 minutes from the end of the ride.


The AP ran an article about how Bush is trying to open up National Parks for mountain biking.   Beckie and I were just commenting the other day how even in 50 years history will have to judge his presidency as one of the worst ever.   I wonder how I’ll remember it if I can do the Grand Canyon C2C2C?

Post Envy

Beckie writes her first post in 6 months, and rockets to the top of the all-time-most-viewed list!

She didn’t even take the photos herself! Technically speaking, she didn’t even pose for the photos!

She’s another Men Without Hats.

This is blatantly unfair to all the people who work hard day-in and day-out to populate and maintain this site. I call bullshit! Safety Dance, my ass.

The Wedding Website

The wedding was awesome, but it is too late to recall all the details without photos. There are several items, however, that are salient and lend themsevles to tale.

  • The Bachelor Party
  • The Girls Party
  • The Crazy Videographer
  • The Toast
  • the top 10 list
  • The Playlist

The Bacherlor Party

Byron arranged my bachelor party. It started at his house with beers, and then the honorable P. Norton Brown brought brownies. Jeff Nappi, Kevin Hatch, Tim Streit, Chris Guttman all arrived. I am horribly forgetting 1 or 2 others and that is crappy, might have been Cosmo Pearl…we tried to take a picture but no one seemed to be able to get a photo with Byron’s camera. Which is probably for the best, so we leave the evidence behind. We went to the Improv in Scottsdale where we hooked up with Jack Smith and Jimmy Yuan. It was fun, the show was fun, we were wasted, we saw the guy who did “2 + 3 equals chair!” well, he had his 15 minutes, this was a few years ago. I think it was Larry Dues who finally showed – not sure I was really wasted when he called – but I know Tim made me drink a prairie fire on Larry’s behalf since I bought one for him at his bachelor party.

Then we went to Cristie’s Cabaret. I won’t talk about it, other than to say that lapdances happened, and there was an $12 fee for the ATM, according to Jeff. But it was fun. Somehow we got back to Byron’s, somehow i fell asleep with a head like a freight train and a painful hard-on.

I woke up early the next morning, stinking of smoke and stripper dust, and made my way home by way of more wedding errands at the Superstion Mall. No rest during wedding planning. Stumbled in, saw Beckie, showered, passed out. She appeared to be doing the same.

Girls’ Party

Beckie’s friends took her out. They gave her tasks to complete at a Scottsdale bar. Things happened, I’m sure they were fun, I’m glad I don’t know.

The Videographer

This story is so ironic and catastrophic and tragicomic, it could not have been invented. I struggled mightily with which one would follow the other in this story, and not be a letdown. But I voted to end on a happy note. Byron had a friend, who was a good and very nice guy. Byron worked with him for several years, and he was a good and very nice guy. He wanted to go into business for himself as a wedding videographer. He was basically a video geek who wanted to make some coin off his hobby, but had to build a resume. Sounded like a perfect match – I just wanted some stuff recorded and not to go crazy with money. We met with Byron over lunch, we agreed he’d show up and eat and drink and tape…I intended to give him $100. Alas, I should have told him, to have secured a commitment.

I thought the connection through Byron and the significance of what the day meant to us would be enough. He wanted to get into this field, he HAD to feel for people and the role he was taking on, how could he not give us a good job for ~2 hrs? In the back of my mind, it was too easy and i was getting something for free, but…but…it seemed like a good idea. I had our videocamera there JIC.

He showed up while we were posing for pre-ceremony photos, we said Hi, he did his thing. All was good. We got married, we had some drinks, we posed for this photo, all was good.

Apparently not. Apparently he had social anxiety disorder and panicked. And left.


Went home.

My epic toast, all our epic toasts…were not recorded even by my video camera sitting idle.

The Toast

So today is actually Beckie and my 12th anniversay.That factoid tends to elicit some questions: why’d you wait so long, what made you decide, what are you crazy? Well I actually proposed to Beckie in 1995 at Gates’ Pass in Tucson, AZ. At first we waited for our jobs, then for her dissertation, then til they repealed the tax law. But what finally made us decide is Beckie’s sister got pregnant, and Beckie just sort of flipped out. Meet Beckie, the newest character on Desperate Housewives.

Beckie and I met in summer of 1992 in Washington, DC. We were office-mates. For a long time I really couldn’t remember our anniversary, cause at the beginning…it was just hot office sex. I eventually remembered our anniversary because our second date 3 days later was to a bar to watch the Dolphins play in Monday night football. So I found our anniversary by googling “1992 schedule NFL”.

I think what’s kept us together is we have so much in common:music, books, tv. I got into biking, Beckie got into biking. Beckie got into gardening, I got into dumping bags of manure where she told me. I don’t know if we’re perfectly compatible or compatibly ambivalent, but in 12 years together there has really only been 2 times when I doubted our relationship. The first time was when beckie left the truck key at the bottom of an 11 mile canyon, at the end of a 50 mile dirt road, 500 miles from our house. The other was planning this wedding.

Crazy…constant stress. Every day started with a titanic battle of wills, followed by an equally impressive display of ignorance. After a couple drinks Beckie was like “when I wear high heels, you look like a hobbit”.  Based on the last few weeks, I’ll be the first man in history not to get any on his wedding night. Let me put this in perspective, Michael Moore got lucky on his wedding night.   Shopping for this suit was an angst-ridden weekend of doubt and remorse. What size, what color, will it fit…it was like going to the Home Depot with Dante. And the suit is very important if Im going to do better than Michael Moore on my wedding night.

But it wasn’t all bad, Beckie bought me this ring. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was perfect. No punchline here, just pretty cool.

I got to drop the wedding card few times at work. That’s pretty cool, its like “rock paper wedding — i win.” The day of my bachelor party, huge crisis at work. One of the programmers broke the code that deals wtih time.  Allow me to provide some context. I am a qa engineer for Ticketmaster, tickets need time, Roger stopped time. On the day of bachelor party. I dropped the wedding card, boss let me skate…told him I had to meet with the minister. This is AZ, and we’re a red state. [funny thing I forgot to say, but actually meant to say] Our minister, btw, found him by googling “wedding officiant Phoenix”.

My boys took me to a bachelor party, Beckie’s girls took her out. Men when they are feeling frisky go to a strip bar, girls feeling frisky…just go out. Random guys pay them to sex them up. [another funny thing i forgot] It cools cause the next morning, no one’s pointing fingers. Both stagger home, we’re like “hey…can i shower first? ok…rock paper wedding…damn, you threw wedding too...

People keep asking me if now we’re married if anything will change. Well, I won’t have any more of those awkward moments where in the space of like 30 seconds I refer to Beckie as my wife, my girlfriend, my SO. People are like: “he’s married, he’s cheating, he’s gay. What’s your deal dude?”

Beckie, you are my best friend, and my favorite person. You’re smart, beautiful, funny, and you clean toilets. Thank you for having me.

The Top 10 List

The Top 10 Reasons Beckie and Jason Finally Got Married

Something very funny that Margrette and Michael put together, that we will just have to remember as having been very sweet and very funny.


Best year yet!   Another fine event from Epic Rides.

67 miles, 5200 feet, 7:01 moving, 7:12 total.

Show Low had not seen rain in a while. And a week out weather.com said no rain in sight. I sent an excited email to JB, Mike, Bob and Doug, and immediately had a tinge of regret that I had cursed us . Two days later, suddenly the forecast was for windy-as-shit with scattered showers on Friday and Saturday. Friday cleared, I slept on an almost-bed in JB’s cozy Mothership, and got off the course 10 minutes after the first sprinkles hit. Wind I could deal with, as it was mostly broken up by the forests. And by the time I was drinking the free New Belgium beer after the event in the storm, I had my $5 coat on and was happy and clean and covered in gore-tex and fleece.

Doug and Jay at the start JB   (pictures courtesy of Mike)

My goal was 7 hrs. I felt very confident that I would be ok and finish. Maybe not be strong, but able to carry the poise I found within myself at the Crazy 88. The Blur was all working good, I put a light XC front tire on it instead of the heavy WTB mutanoraptor, and even the ever-present creaking in the pivots held off for about 3 hours since I doused them in chain lube before the ride. About 30 minutes in I was trailing Doug and I yelled out “hey listen, you can’t hear my bike!” Doug is weary, and rightly so, of hearing my bike.

The first 16 miles were a gradual climb, and I just settled in to get it done with a workmanlike effort, not stressing about who was passing me, only that I kept moving at a solid but sustainable pace. Mixing with all the other riders meant I needed to be assertive about my ride and my space, but mellow in my attitude towards others. It worked fine for me, I really just rolled with the ebbs and flows of traffic, got a chuckle out of an early pile-up where all the XC weenies walked a tiny rocky stretch while i moved the bike over things, hit a fun log-roll at mile 5 that Todd (the Organizer from Epic) told us to watch for and I’m sure many many racer-boys skipped, and had a generally grand time except for one guy who rubbed my rear wheel for absolutely no good reason other than not being in control. He immediately apologized, and no harm was done, so I was like “no worries. Um…would you like to pass?” He kinda hesitated to answer, so I pushed into the fast one mile descent that broke up the first 16 miles of the climb, and made him suck my dust as payback. Fair enough, says i. Again I saw that at these big events I am of average speed but much better on technical and dh’ing. And I stayed assertive but mellow. People were welcome to pass and I gladly made way, but I was not yielding my chosen lines or changing my pace.

The next 10 miles to Aid Station 3 looked steep on the map, but was a well-graded cindered forest road. I didn’t feel great, the pace i was maintaining had been hitting me by mile 5 when Bob and Doug dropped me. I rode pretty smart and hooked onto a couple groups to get me through this stretch. I passed Jay, Doug’s friend who was camping next to us, then he passed me, then i think I passed him again…didn’t see him again til after the race. I also saw Brendan from Siren Cycles , who I met the night before when he let me take his 29’r Siren Song around for a short spin. And a guy John who I did not recognized but was friends with Eric Shunk and his crew and I had ridden with him back in April. A few others all yo-yo’d through this stretch together, and became somewhat familiar faces who i spotted again as the race went on. 2:20 for 26 miles was a pretty good start.

Aid Station 3 had Heed and Cliff bars, so I loaded up then jumped into the steepest shots of the trail. When we passed a sign for a spur to the Lake Hope Lookout, I realized I had been on this trail a few years ago, and that the steep, soft, unridable ascent would go on for awhile. The hike through the woods was surreal – there were three of us spread out over maybe 50 yards, no one gaining, no one speaking, no one trying to ride. Mile 27 lasted a long time, then flowed a steep downhill into Los Burros backwards from the normal route. Its been a few years since I’ve ridden Los Burros, and mentally i was in a very hazy place – i knew sort of where I was, I knew I had gotten over the mid-way point and the bulk of the climbing, the trail trended downhill but still had a few ups to hammer at my already tired legs. I still had a long way to go in the race so couldn’t allow myself to relax, and I had to fight an incredible urge to take a break at the halfway mark. Maybe it was the pace with all the other riders, but I felt so much more tired than at any other recent enduros.   Even though I saw people, the feeling of being alone stayed with me, cause mentally i had hunkered down into my Quiet Place. Climbs and drops and descents into the meadow at the bottom of Los Burros where I rode by cows, hellbent on making back all my lost time from the steeps. I rode…not recklessly…but at the edge of reckless, challenging the Blur to eat rocks and turns like I knew I had become capable of sailing over — its the rider not the bike.

I passed Aid Station 4 at just past 4:40 and 47 miles. Chongoman was pulling out just as I got there, but I needed to stop for about 2 minutes to swallow some pills and try to piss, unaware that the hardest part of the ride was coming. The maps showed this as 20 gradually descending miles, but it went through the chum of Blue Ridge, Ice Cave and Timber Mesa trails. These trails are some of the funnest in the White Mountain system when you are fresh, just around the corner from Byron’s cabin, but i was not up for dashing myself against rocks any longer.   My best efforts averaged about 8 miles and hour. I got really tired, and kinda grumpy, and started cursing Todd just like he said we would at the pre-race meeting.   I kept running up on the really slow riders in the 30 mile race, and since i realized who they were i got none of the little mental inspiration you typically get from passing someone.   Most were cool, like most people on the day, but a few were clealry over their heads between the distance and the terrain, and stood slack-jawed in the middle of the trail. I was polite to everyone, cause its super-shitty to make someone feel bad who like me is just trying to push themselves and have a good day on the bike, but inside I was screaming at ’em.   The bell on my bike was an effective proxy for communications.

I limped into Ad Station 5, thanked the volunteers for some awesome homemade cookies that I dropped in my pack for later, and met up with Bob again to head up Timber Mesa trail and the last 12 miles. The climb hurt, the XC at the top was fast and tight for awhile and then hurt, and after 5 miles I cracked and had to stop. Bob rolled on, I followed, and struggled.   I slowed down, but maintained, losing only 2 minutes to Bob over the last 30 after he left me. I knew I missed 7 hours, I wanted to stop, but the storm clouds lingering over the whole weekend were finally closing in.   I heard the dull rumble of thunder over my music, and caught the beginnings of a sprinkle.   I bombed down the last double-track descent, never once touching the brakes, and pushed through the final 2 miles of jeep road and wind and drizzle to get off the course just before it turned into peanut butter.

Bob at the finish me, finishing with a very fake smile

The rain dumped just as I was getting myself sorted out and into The Mothership for a shower.

I left after a few beers, some cookies and leftover packet-shwag, and catching up with Chad, Cat, My Bike Is Broken, and Brooke and Sean who I knew from years ago working at RightFAX.   And a few beers.   I was surfing the road out in the Acura in 1st gear, but with only a   mile to go I was glad I chose to bring the Acura for the trip.   It made cruising home in the rain and my faded state very very easy, lots of power and traction in a tiny package.   I heard the next day others were not so lucky getting out.

The next day G was looking at the event poster and started saying “dancing bears! dancing bears!”   I swear I didn’t teach her that.


Recently it struck me…just kinda out of the blue…at how absolutely and completely G does what she does at my pleasure. I don’t mean the food\clothing\shelter stuff, she could get that from a foster home. I mean all that fills her days. Last week I had to drop her off at school en route to taking Bob and Bette to the airport, and G cried and wailed helplessly. She was distraught at Granny leaving, and reached in vain for the car as I carried her into school, where I take her 5 days a week almost every week, whether she wants to or not. If she watches TV, its cause we say so. What she eats, what toys she plays with and when she plays with them, if she gets a bubble-bath or tossed in the shower, or gets attention, or gets strapped in the car and hauled off to a foreign country it is because of my and Beckie’s decisions.

Absolute power is a frightening thing.

Fortunately, G is cute and sweet and very charismatic. It makes me want to do wonderful things for her. All the time, always, and feel incredible guilt if I do not, because I could if I really set my mind to it. Every moment not making her happy is happiness I personally have stolen from her.   It takes me forever to get out of the house int he mornings cause she always gets into something fun and i don’t want to take that from her and have that be how she remembers me for the rest of the day.

This is an awesome responsibility. More weighty than providing the essentials to keep her alive, which takes nothing more than a jailer who can change a diaper. Her happiness, her disposition, her worldview are all being shaped as direct consequences of what I give her. Raising her to become a stable, well-adjusted person who has enjoyed the journey and become a good person because of it is her enslavement to us. She is clay, tabula rasa, white on white. Its staggering to contemplate. What if I spill?