Pride Day at Snowbowl

I called in sick. I needed a mental day. One of my developers said to me recently “we worked over Thanksgiving, you get to work over Christmas.”   its all good, i have a flexible schedule; i gotta be me.

dawn patrol

Snowbowl from the Verde Valley

good morning!

good morning!

conditions were a bit crusty, a bit creamcheesey, extremely threadbare, but we still managed some tree runs



James, Sam and i met up with Jason and his bud Benning. First time I have ridden with a group more than 2 or 3, we stayed together well. Also the first day I have on late-notice gone somewhere that the conditions were not primo. Flag crowds suck, but after after-a-storm when there is still base and no lines was a ton of fun. Beckie’s smaller board was far superior for the packed conditions, and i was very psyched to stay with people far more experienced.

there is a completely reasonable explanation for this, but it won’t matter once it makes the cover of ‘Out’ magazine. Don’t tell the Office!

Sam made a nice vid, including an outstanding faceplant by me.