Grand Canyon and Blue Ridge Reservoir – June 8-10

finally had time to finish this entry…

my parents were coming to visit. So we were abandoning the Monster for the high country.

We wanted to do the Canyon down and up since we first hiked it a few years ago. So the idea was born, and i decided we needed to paddle for the first time since pre-G. with some help from mtbr posts, the plan was made.

Left home about 3 and arranged to pick up Beckie and her new fabulous north-side office, so we got out of Phoenix by 4, and made Grand Canyon National Park with daylight still.

we would up camping at Mathers in the park for $18 and the convenience of being close to the first shuttle. we took a little while to arrange our gear, eat some cantalope, read a bit, and then to bed at a relatively early 10. up at 4:15, workmanlike breakdown of camp and personal needs, bustop at 4:55 and on Kaibab at 5:30. Fun fun fun. We knew what to expect, and wanted to keep moving to not get blasted by the heat as the day wore on. We saw almost no one, kept rolling down the hill good times and great views.

Got to the bottom at just past 8am. Chilled for a bit in Bright Angel creek, and got ourselves focused for the climb. DH is all good, but it was time to climb.

We loligagged our way out, annoyed a chuckawalla who did pushups to announce his territory. and then met a solo Aussie on Silver Bridge. he was worried that all the warnings for hiking down-and-back in one day, were they as dire as he read??…his funniest comment was “or are they just meant for the fitness of the average American?” Anyway, nice guy we kept yo-yo’ing with him to the top which was fun. have you noticed you always meet Australians by themselves in the coolest places?

Bright Angel was neat. I’m glad this was our first time taking it and we started from the botton (not actually true, we went down to 3-mile w. G over Thanksgiving). You follw the river west for the first mile or two and cook in the sand, all the heat from the canyon baking you in a hot-box. Then it turns and follows the creek up the wall, a lot like the North Side. There is a huge giddy-up to get out of the Inner Gorge.

ready for a break, Beckie spotted. a nice spot about 30 feet down from the trail where the creek formed a slot and some natural pools over slickrock, so we hung there for a bit. That was the gem of the hike.

Then worked out way up up up. Heat was tough but nothing we weren’t ready for. The last 4 miles were more of a workout, trying to have fun keep our cadence and not get too distracted by the traffic. We stopped at 3-mile to get ready for the last push, and think about G’s trip here with us in November.

You know you are near the top of the GC when you see:
japanese tour groups
people in flip-flops
people carrying 32oz plastic water bottles from Grand Canyon Market clutched in their pink fleshy hands
people walking cluelessly 3-abreast
japanese tour groups

You know you are near the bottom of the GC when:
you are used to the smell of mule piss

took us about 8 hrs roundtrip, then we enjoyed a bottle of wine at the top.

Got a hotel in downtown Flag near the bars, $90 for a crappy room but at least we could walk everywhere. My twice-scoped knee was in bad shape by the end of the night, the arthritic prelude to my future is scaring me; it may be time to give up Ultimate once and for all.

Blue Ridge was ~1.5 hrs from Flag to the put-in — not bad at all. The lake is terrific, twisty and narrow with cool high-altitude blue-green water.

Its restricted to very small motors and a bit off the beaten path. We saw only about 20 people all day. It was great, just incredibly quiet and intimate with the narrow walls. We paddled out about 1.5 hrs to the end, then backtracked to a nice ledge where we hung out for a few hrs.

Then 2 hrs back home. Great weekend.


Official Word #2: bb

It might be spelled Bb or bebe. i don’t think spelling should matter if you can’t tie your own velcro shoes.

G can’t go anywhere without it. not anywhere. except there is more than one. there are actually 4 or 5 in varying shades of pastel and sizes, and in a pinch, any fleece jacket or sateen robe or misplace lingerie will do. the point is, she wants something soft and she’ll gauge out your eyes to get it. that kind of all-encompassing fixation really isnt so bad, we just have a lot of blankets stowed about the house.


apparently the day care one was getting cleaned one day, much to G’s dismay.


beckie got home from a bacherlorette party right as I was leaving to go ride.   parenthood has not affected our lifestyles much, other than we never see each other.   i worry about the consequences of this, but the consequences of giving up our fun are worse.

benevolent genebris

somehow Genevieve found colored pencils. a whole tin of them. this is very very dangerous and potentially messy, very very messy.. Apparently…apparently Beckie has had these pencils approximately “for ever” R.A. Holmes, Jun 17 2007. I have never once so much as caught a whisper of the pencils, but G sniffs them out like blood to a shark. It takes me the better part of a day to collect all the pencils from all the tiny fists and tiny hiding places.

So, we store the pencils on a higher shelf.

Today the pencils were re-discoverd. tinyHuman is growing. I was a bit annoyed, more to clean up.

Later I am working on my bike. My knees had been hurting and I felt cramped in the seat, i needed to raise the seat a smidge. this is always difficult, my seatpost has no gridmarkers, and it does not show a mark well. how will I know how much to raise it?


i chose light blue. i rode 3.5 hrs on the Double Bypass this morning. knees feel great.

The Pool Table Game

its awesome!

we’re running around, one direction, the other direction, shit I dont care what directions, we’re above, we’re below, we are combining the bellybutton game! i need to get a new camera that will take videos. and a new mp3 player. this is exhausting, this kid rocks.

woe, the all-mountain rider

— adjective

  1. of or pertaining to the entirety; every terrain; the whole of the environment
  2. from cycling, snowboarding, climbing and other outdoor sports; one that will ride all facets of trail capably and with competence
  3. to suck at everything and be great at nothing

i used to just be happy to ride. happy to roll with Tsaina to Fort Lowell park, pop through the washes and have a smoke, ride Chiva with Larry Heater, ride TRW without crashing. it took me a year of living next to it to have the balls to ride Mine Trail! but i’ve ridden a bike my whole life, so it was inevitable living out here, where there is so much to ride.   and i kept riding. I kept going further, up harder, down faster, over nastier, and a funny thing happened on the way to getting better: I got good enough to realize how not-good I was. I could be always be spinning faster, dropping further, climbing stronger, cadenceing smoother, railing harder, gnaring gnarlier. There was always a boundary out of my comfort area, even as the comfort area got bigger and bigger. There was nothing special about my riding, other than I did a lot of it, a lot of it. Some call this above-average, some call this being an enthusist, some call this obsessive compulsive.

what do you ride? I ride everything. and I ride it all badly. I am the all-mountain rider.

Woe, the all-mountain rider

so out of the loop!

I found out about the belly-button game today. Apparently Beckie has known about this for quite some time. Apparently this is very 15 and half months. Apparently everyone and their mother are well-versed in the belly-button rules, and skills, and lore…familiar with the winners of epic belly-button duels, heroes and losers, great moments in belly-button history, subtleties and ettiquette dealing with appropriate booping and tickling…apparently all common knowledge, practically public-domain. Apparently I have fallen off the curve in just 2 weeks!

the longest yard, the stupidest blog

I watched the remake of The Longest Yard w. Adam Sandler. Some of it was funny, but it was the wrong role for Sandler. Cocky and dry humor is not his thing, Burt Reynolds stole the move as Nate Scarborough. Michael Irvin’s guest appearances was cool he is still in shape. a few parts better than the original I like how Crewe confesses to his team about throwing the game, and how they gatorade the warden at the end. A few places where they went bigger\sexier\moremoremore from the first movie was amusing like with the enormous convicts, but on the whole it wasnt much of a flick. It could have been a lot better. The Indian broadcaster alongside Chris Berman was a great idea wasted — what do you not have to do to play well off Chris Berman?

So why am I bothering to write a tepid summary of my thoughts about an average movie? The Blog made me do it!! OK its partly cause I wrote most of this over Memorial Day weekend when I was alone all weekend w. no one but a baby to talk to, but something about publishing your life is addicting, and not in a good way. I find myself watching things and thinking about how I will describe them, not just watching them. Its like a constant dialog in my head, what is going on along with what i will say about it. Its so contrived and so meta, its Scrubs and Ally McBeal and flashback-mashup storytelling all churned together. I don’t like it.

I am living online at the expense of living, and recording my experiences at the expense of experiencing them. Somehow because every experience can be recorded, you feel like you’ve lost something if you don’t record it.   Even the ones that don’t really bare recording.   And somehow because I can register a domain name and run WordPress, I feel I am the Quentin Tarantino and Ridley Scott of my own domain.   Every lost post is now a lost masterpiece in my personal Oscar night.

Really most of this is just a mediocre movie.