Netflix outage: not hacking, just stupid business

last week Netflix was down for like a day, and i was bored and suspicious, and paranoid, and wrote this rabblerouser. and who wouldn’t be, how can this possibly be a planned outage. there was scuttlebutt on the net about it being related to a power outage at a hosting site in SF that took down a bunch of other big sites, and also talk of Netflix introducing a new pricing plan and the outage being related to its roll out. yet again, i thought, no no no, a big shop like Netflix can’t possibly fuck up a rollout this badly. EEKSTER! Blue Frown

eeeerr, i was wrong. and paranoid.

This story here says otherwise. I just wish i knew what it possibly could be…it could have been some sort of transactional financial thing that went through, and then they changed the db, so they couldnt roll em both back or something. Which can happen, with incredibly piss-poor planning sure. or maybe it was just something stupid like they didn’t back up.

wish i knew!!!