all done!

G’s been using this phrase for a while to let us know she’s finished eating. but i got the inclination recently that she was discovering the real meaning. It started when we were leaving the gym, then it was for sure when she watched me turn off the water after a shower. Walking back to the car after a hike, finishing putting on her shoes…no further denying it. I’m left pretty speechless by the smart baby…all done!

Missing the Tour of the Whites

Beckie is running the Chicago marathon, which is the same weekend as the TOWM this year. I am bummed, but somewhat relieved to not be facing the whim of Mother Nature this year. The last 2 years its rained hard, and the mud up there is the nastiest most peanut buttery crap in world. 12 miles took 3 hrs and most of that time came on the 5 mile stretch when I was carrying my bike — the mud was so bad I couldn’t even push. Then last year, they re-routed the course so the 66 miler became a 100 mile fire road ride. It was fun, and amazingly not dull, but more a quiet and subdued mellow day.

So, like last year, I hung onto the hope for the potential of how awesome this route can be. But truth is I ain’t that upset about taking this year off. Maybe I will go ride the route soon to get out of the heat.

Some memories from the past races:


Beckie: woohoo my race was so great! I think I did really well! how was yours?

Jason: mine fucking sucked, i hate myself, i hate my bike, shut your fucking pie-hole.

Beckie: Really? Our course was fast and tacky. Yours wasn’t good?

Jason: Did the phrase “fucking sucked” elude you, stupid bitch?

Beckie: I better wipe my bike down, this shouldn’t take long.

Jason: My fucking hands are raw, my bike is still encrusted, hurry your ass the fuck up and help me.

Beckie: Wow I think I placed!

Jason: Eat shit and die!

Beckie: Wow I think I won.

Jason: I wish I never met you, fucking sadistic whore.

Beckie: let’s stay for the awards, there are cookies.

Jason: mmm….cookies