a fine ride

G, Kila and I rolled down to Red Mountain Park. She was chatty and weeing the whole way down. due to a need for a beer to steel myself for the efforts of mastering t.human, and cause I was sick of people following and afternoon in WalMart, we headed down the access road to the power station. I thought I could work my way back up the desert to the park, let G run wild, let K run wild, and have some beers and party hats in private. plan worked perfectly.


  • there is an old dying tree that is overhung, and we crawled through it spelunkity-like. i enjoyed it more than she.
  • we played in a mini-drop made by a wash, just a scratch of a hole about a foot deep, but a perfect size for a baby! we sat in it, threw dirt on ourselves, threw dirt on others, and drank beer.
  • dog-romp in the park! not dog-on-dog, but dog-on alpha dog (me)-on baby! all 3 of us running and buzzing in the sandbox!!! this was a first!

i now have found a route back to the park! this could become our new favorite route above going to the park then the fire station then home. its got everything! i promised G while walking through the desert that if she missed the park, i would give her a long fun bath.   but G never misses the park – damn kid walked over half a mile through the desert but rallied and yelled out “YEAH!!!!” when she saw the slides.   so we must be off to a quick and workmanlike bath.

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