G’s serial drama

G now conceptualizes those who are close to her. They have existence outside of immediate place, they have continuity outside of her presence, and she misses them. Mommy! Daddy! Kila! Turtle! Jo! even Slim, and maybe some kid from daycare named bradley.

its sweet to follow her following them. Every morning she wakes up and goes “where’s mommy?” And again when we get home. In the garge she looks for Turtle. In the kitchen she calls out cause she knows Kila will come eat her leftovers. i was rooting in the bathroom cabinet and she went “Jo? Jo?” The other day she grabbed a picture off the fridge of me, Tsaina and Smudge…and she looked at it and went “Daddy! Kila! cat!” She called out mommy from a picture at the beach, she called out the beach, and when i pointed at her photo and said “Genevieve” a flicker of light appeared in her eyes. She is not there yet, but she is getting close.

But like Lost and Heroes, its addicting. after she wakes up and goes “where’s mommy” she absolutely must know what mommy is doing next. and she panics when she does not know, much like me when Heroes: Season 1 Disc 4 was lost in the mail from Netflix.

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