Thinking about PEEing

I am doing another underground race next week called the Phoenix Endurance Experience. It is hosted by YuriB, who I do not know. I will know a few folks this time around, and be on some familiar terrain. The route is about 5 miles of T100 and 30 miles of canal out of Central Phoenix, then a double Bypass up Windgate (ugh…as if it wasn’t hard enough that we could do Bell), then 30 miles back on canals. The route is neat in how Yuri strung together almost 90 miles of trail and canals and back alleys and footpaths to have very little road time while crossing Phoenix and back. I reckon I will spend a fair amount of time looking for landmarks like “the corner with red paint on the curb”, but it will be cool to bisect the Valley like a coyote.

this will, statistically, be about as hard a ride as I have done. The Prescott Monstercross, Quad Bypass, and TOWN ’06 were about equal in the effort level. But this will combine a lot of miles with an enormous climb in the middle and likely few breaks. On paper its the same challenge, but the climb in the middle has me very scared about breaking and caving. the Double Bypass really has 5 climbs, each in the general neighborhood of 1000 feet: the foothills on the Scottsdale side, Sunrise, the climb up through Fountain Hills, Dixie Mine and Windgate. i can’t imagine i will be in anything other than survival mode once I get to the climb up Windgate with still like 3+ hrs of riding to go.

I did about 6 miles of canal today on the Blur, to see my pace, and it was about 12mph with easy just riding along. So I figure that means about 3 hrs ride time to get to the Bypass, 3 while there, and another 3 home. Allowing for breaks and whatnot, it will be 9-11 hrs if all goes well. We leave at 6, back at 5. It will be the longest day of saddle time I have done.

I am a bit nervous.

  1. To put it bluntly, this is why contributing to my election campaign (and Guy’s) is a good investment for MMR homeowners. Giving Guy and I donations could save you literally tens of thousands of dollars in lowered property values — a pretty god ROI! The bottom line is, if Guy and I are not elected in November the DDC at the Preserve Gateway is a done deal. And we need all of your help to beat the special interest $ that will be spent to defeat us!

  2. Even if you don’t live anywhere near the proposed site of the DDC you should be concerned because, if it is built, the taxes of every Scottsdale resident, no matter where in the city you live, will have to be raised to pay for it!

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