more cookies

the other day i had to pick G up from daycare and take her right to the gym. i blew it on packing her a decent snack, so bought her a package of small cookies before leaving the office. She was cranky about getting stuffed into the carseat again and dropped at another daycare, but I placated her with cookies. As soon as i mentioned cookies, she was ready to be fed.


she knows this word. she knows how to sing it with joy and how to shout it with anger. unfortunately, she also knows that somehow somewhere there is a limitless supply of cookies and only by the depths of my cruel black heart am i not giving them to her. we got back in the car, and the first thing she did was start whining for cookies. the empty bag was taunting her, and i finally had to show it to her and say all done, then repeat, before she quit biting my head off. then she asked for more cookies.

G has move beyond being just a very smart dog. she has ever-more-complex notions of reason and permanence and causality. what she lacks is a notion of inventory management. I don’t blame her; i know there is a limitless supply of beer “out there” and it makes me happy, and thirsty, and at times anxious that I must go get beer rather than have it appear before me.   and like I know there is always somewhere to get beer, G knows there is always more food. and like i can be soothed into most situations with enough beer, she too will tolerate almost anything with food.

we stuffed her full of ham and apples for the car ride to the airport, stuffed her full of fries and chicken strips in the terminal, we brought onto the plane enough calories for her for a week, and on top of that the flight attendant brought her juice and snack bars and still more cookies gratis from the $7 snack packs! its so American!

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