this was a good conversation

the Baby can conduct dialogs, express complicated things (in the sense that subject\verb is complicated), and provide frequent and ongoing commentary regarding your actions and her opinions. as if i do not feel guilty enough for sleeping late and making G hang out in bed with me on a regular basis, now she has to start telling me that she wants me to get up, she really wants me to get up, and she is frightfully upset that i should take time for a pee when i could be feeding her.

up daddy

hunry daddy


fact is i know she is not that hungry, and im not ready for tete-a-tete when i first open my eyes. but i have my revenge when I get up early, and get her into the bath and dressed while she is barely awake. hahahaha groggy baby in the tub, hahahah groggy baby in the high chair!!!!

the developing preferences, opinions and continually increasing cognizance of the existence and permanence of other things is yet again amazing. we were on the plane the other day watching a Baby Einstein that included sign language as the words were said, and G knew the signs. no one taught her, she just figured it out from watching the thing a jillion times. she also developed an obsession with the monkey from the World Animals dvd.

which became an obsession with this monkey:

which led to a complete and total obsession when she saw this monkey at my parents house:

which forced us to forgo aquarium-oriented toys at the Mote Aquarium, and buy her THIS monkey:

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