I’m Not Leaving Without My Cat!!

Turtle had to go to the vet today to get a tooth pulled. Gathering up t.Human and a vet-fearing cat all before 8am was the hardest thing I’ve done in some time. It involved tracking Turtle down in the back yard while G chased me around in her little shoes carrying stuffed animals. G wanted to bring her big lizard into the vet’s office with her since I was bringing Turtle. She was pretty cool in the vet’s office and rather enjoyed watching what was going on. We talked about owies, about doctors, about Kila, and about the thermometer in Turtle’s butt. When Doctor Recupero carried Turtle off, G got way upset. She started bawling, refused to leave, tried to go back into the animal holding area, then hid in the corner behind some bags of dog food.

Its kinda sweet.

In Rocky Point last weekend, Kila swam out to be with G on a raft. In 7 years I can count on one hand the number of times Kila has swam instead of wading, including times she got in that deep by accident.

Its very sweet.

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