Dressing Like a Girl

G is so close to dressing herself! This would complete the trifecta of autonomy from babyhood to toddlerism:   eating, pooping, and dressing!   She certainly can undress herself, as I regularly find a happy naked baby running around the house at the mere mention of a bubble bath, or a happy pantless baby running around the house after the sweet relief of a good trip to the potty. Taking off socks is old news, putting them almost-on is quite novel. They usually end up on her hands where she plays with them because it more fun than being frustrated at not being able to pull socks over all 5 toes. Yesterday at the park, she decided to wear them on her hands all the way back the car. It was kinda cute, and kinda icky, cause she wanted to hold my hand while we were walking in the dark. So I had to touch her nasty-feet socks and get her nasty-feet sweat all over my hands.   Then she got bored and stuffed the socks in my pocket. Nothing a bath couldn’t cure — see above for the rapidly undressing baby.

The other day I was lollygagging in bed, and at one point she had on jammies. Then at one point she was naked. Then at one point she had on a new fall dress. This all occurred while I was somewhat dreamy at finally getting some sleep without getting kicked, but I am fairly certain that it actually occurred. In fact, I’m sure, as I had to take the dress off her so she could get in the bath…she tried to strip, but got caught up in the long sleeves.

Like all things with G, dressing is evolving into a hobby of its own.   And like all her hobbies, its another distraction to delay things that I actually need to get done. Yesterday, trying to get her dressed for school, she managed to avoid me putting on her shirt by attempting to put it on her toy pony for at least 10 minutes. She knew I saw through her bullshit too, cause when i finally got tired of cajoling her she scampered to the far side of bed and hid under her stuffed animals.

Every step forward is met by many steps sideways.

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