
I found these in my pack.

It was sweet, G knows what my Camelback is all about.   So i took the little one with me.

Alex decided it was his day to ride 24th St., I was happy to show him the way. I had a smooth climb up Mormon, much improved upon last week. Alex nearly died behind me. It was weird, it was unsettling, for both of us. We seriously thought about turning back, but a Goo shot and Alex’s distaste for bailing after he’d got himself all pumped to ride 24th convinced me to lead him on. I did ok, he got all of it. He’s sneaky like that. I think I am stronger than Alex on hardcore long descents, I was pulling away from him on most of the ride down. But on super 3rd degree gnar-gnar challenges he is better than me. He got the hardest slotty s-curve on the trail on his first try, and I still have trouble with it and tried it four times yesterday alone. Its kinda the same climbing: i have more power, he has more technique. Its fun to keep each other on edge. It was fun to watch him do so well. Then he almost heaved behind me getting back over Beverly Canyon and cried like a girl about hitting a few drops in the dark.

Alex bought me dinner. Best Goo shot I ever spent. I too was flush with joy after my first time down 24th and called all manner of friends to kvell. JB joined us too, ready to take his share of abuse for flaking on Rocky Point.

The bird survived about as well as Alex

G pulled it out of my pack the next morning, along with most of my tools, which she then spread out across the kitchen floor.

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