Water Roadie

Summer had one last (knock-on-wood) 100 degree gasp, and we had my parents around to watch the kids, so the kayak made its first appearance in 2.5 years.

30 min to get the boat from rafters to rack, 30 min into the water at Butcher Jones Beach; not bad being out of practice and with a new piece-of-shit truck.   So what we forgot our tortilla chips, and only had cheap beer in cans, and would only get to be out for about 3 hrs…for the first time in about as long as I can remember, it seemed like Beckie and I both relaxed within about 10 minutes and started having fun together.   Must be the steady cadence of paddling, just like the road bike, lulling you into a semi-conscious state of effort, lulling you into a slow drift from here to there and all the details in between.   Every muscle involved quickly let me know its been awhile, but got numb in about 30 minutes and didn’t much bother me the rest of the afternoon or the next day.

It was a beautiful afternoon.   So what it was Saguaro Lake, and the stream of boat engines reverberated off the walls and kept a steady roll on the water…our boat is stable, and the waves sounded like the ocean.   Some of my friends fixate on the road traffic and fumes riding to the lake, but I’m used to it.   Its beautiful, rolling and close.   We stuck to the edges, and got off just at dark.


and left the boat on the floor with plans of hiring a sitter one day next week, before it gets hung from the roof for another 2 years.
