The troubled economy makes salary adjustments and bonuses thin pickings. I understand. I’m not happy about it, but I understand. I get other perks, 2 days a week, to get all i like out of work along with most of what i like out of a day – software, sunshine, coffee, and the good company of my Budding Bipedalist, with a bike and no traffic or need for a shower. Its all work, whether its for TM or for G&A, I enjoy it all in the right doses and the right mixtures…perhaps it means I have embraced my sellout, perhaps it means i am blessed.



the carnage is kinda scary

About 4 we turned to a workout – mine and hers. Seriously…how did she get back there and manage to spill my beer?

then the Burley with Kila for some nubby-nosing en route to pick G up from school, and one of the World’s Most Perfect Spots!   How many awesome things can you count in this picture?

  1. baby
  2. beer
  3. bike
  4. sunshine
  5. budding bipedalism
  6. runzeheunding (offscreen)
  7. blogging about my radness





failing to cap my recently-replaced rear shifter cable had a secondary benefit

Goodbye Hawes! Goodbye Pass Mtn!

Goodbye Firestation and Evil Traffic Light

Goodbye Red Mtn Church – thanks for letting us poach your parties and your spigots and your grassy areas, thanks for letting us hit your staircase and your curbs and launch off your bbq pits

Goodbye Boeing’s Longbow factory

The McDowells, are you ready Kila?

riding home from school

Almost as soon as she got in the trailer, G asked me if we could go up the bumpity-bumps and down the big hill near home. This took some Q&A to figure out she meant the giant mound of earth they pushed up at the construction site behind Red Mtn Church. We got up the hill, but could only reverse course to get down.

Everyone was already extremely extremely dirty, why bother holding back? The girls made mischief in the sand til they were good and done. Alana spilled my 3rd beer of the night, and my 2nd of this ride – if this sounds like I’m having too many beers, its cause I’m drinking none of them!


G had to potty, i told her just pick a spot any old spot

The desert area next to our neighborhood used to be 2 miles long and a mile wide, but the highway and the golf course and the church have wittled it away to just enough for Kila and I.   I’d be amazed if anyone but us is ever out there. I only know every inch of it cause Kila needed runs every day for 10 years. It worked with my love of exploring on the bike, which fed my need to string routes together. I have the zone around my house so dialed that moving is terrifying, but also a challenge to find something new. Kila is getting old, she will not want to roam outside a comfort zone like she used to; she used to do 18 miles up and down Bulldog Canyon.   But there is a high school and a wash and a canal blocks from the new home.   It will be fun for us.   I managed to find every jewel in the sand in Rocky Point; Kila and I will work it out.   And who says I cant bring a shovel and a mcleod and make some ramps into the wash pit?