ciclista solitario

If you are reading this, odds are you were invited and turned me down. whas a wigga gotta do to git some compny?

For about i week i was palpitating to hit the big staircase at Tesoro, channeling my inner Danny MacAskill, vibing into my adventure. I would have to be up hella early after driving the night before, or up hella early with a 1-day hangover on Sunday, or up hella early with a 2-day hangover on Monday. I picked option 1,   and still got cockblocked by the guard at 7am.   Its ok, in 6 months to a year, Tesoro too will be bankrupt, and no longer afford their guards like Cornoa del Sol.

I stalked the nearby streets on that side of the neighborhood in more detail than usual, itching for a new trial, and found what i thought was a For Sale condo complex. While i dithered trying to find the right line down the staircase, the owner came out and told me to get the fuck out. Ooops. Its pretty amusing when you see it in the vid.

The wrong kind of company dejected me, and drove me out the Caborca road so I could spin off my frustration. The colors were amazing, white and purple and orange and completely covering the stench from the dump. When I got to the dirt road into the oyster farms, I realized i had few good pictures from here, and something new would make up for my earlier rejections.


first coyote i’ve seen in RP

unlike me, he had a friend

15 minutes of slogging on a sandy road led me to a hardpack on the edge of a small tidal ledge. I rolled along it til the water retreated from the ledge. Jumping it made the slog worthwhile; i was pumped to hike across the mud of the estuary for 15 minutes rather than ride an hour home. Carrying the Hei Hei is easy, carrying so much lighter than the Heckler, like carrying Alana is easy, carrying so much lighter than Genevieve.



this poor guy was so forlorn her skittered away when i threw him a Caraba bar. He will be coyote food or roadkill soon.

new trials are everywhere, and the more open my eyes become the more i see. Its so cool that 2-3 footers have become routine, what is rideable increases every time i get on the bike. My worst hits of the weekend were riding home from the Superlay with 30lbs of pedialite and can openers and liquor and hitting a jagged uplifted slab in the sidewalk that nearly had me eating shit, and endo’ing through a sandy downhill into a sandier downhill coming down from the overlook by the estuary.

never saw this pedestrian crossing before,   the seniorita and her daughter and the cars at the bottom never saw anyone ride it before


Imagine how cheap liquor would be if not for the bloated union workforce at the Superlay?

I got to fiddling with the new video clips, putting together my first extended riding vid.   Not too bad for a first try.   The timebox of background audio enforces rigorous editing, and i lopped about 50% off what I thought was an already-lean amount of film to make it down to about 3:40.   My camera’s shortcomings are apparent in some of the scenes from the road – the bright colors of the flowers, the abjectness of the shanties, the irony of the condos, and the movements of the 2 coyotes get a little lost.   I could easily have made this about 3x longer if I’d pulled in clips of all the other trials, but I mostly tried to get new things into the film instead of stuff I’ve posted before.   It was very cool to use my tools (Windows Movie Maker, Vdub, and Super) on a sample project – definitely gave me a better feel for the features I want when i finally buy a video editing program.

RP in April


i read a book, without rhymes and pictures



xmas gifts: heavy-duty umbrella and cooler with built-in mp3 jack

new sand table brought out our sophisticated side.   Beckie is wearing a hat I got from a stripper at Christie’s during my bachelor party.






if its too cold to swim, play in a hole


lest anyone get all safety-crazy, it should be noted this vid was filmed by a woman walking uphill, through sand, carrying a baby

completely intentional wardrobe choice


