tinyShredder McPumps

GrowAZ is a newish grassrootsy collective of bike geeks who think acting with one voice might get us somewhere. Black Power and whatnot. The park manager of McDowell Mtn Park is extremely bike friendly, recognizing the majority of daily traffic in the park are bikes. The PT got built last year, tucked into a corner where no one but other bikers go. Ahh…fences make for good neighbors, even the equestrians kvelled when i paraded G out at a planning meeting and said how free-riding is family-friendly. Props to LateDropBob and others who have been working hard to make things happen with powers-that-be.   Today was our first rebuild workday, and hopefully the first of several cool features added to the Park. The Park matched our 20 volunteers with a water supply and a loader.

First samples on the backside were gnariffic. I can’t wait to try the jump line after it dries.

Kiefer and G alternated riding and DVDs. Somewhere is Kila who wandered around and about and under the EZup for 4 hrs. and look, its my laptop sitting right where i left it! Thanks KennyB for saving it, and building your S-curve.

you’ve been warned…