Ah, the Soothing Opiate of the Baby Einstein Company

its not a dvd, its ritalin in a more palatable form. Whatever, its f’ing gold. Gotta baby with a tantrum? Watch their tears dry up as their eyes slowly glass over, to the delightful interplay of puppets and classical music. I can’t believe there isn’t a commercial during football games right next to cialisis, beer and IBM business solutions. Are you missing the big play cause the baby won’t settle down, order your Baby Einstein dvds now!

its a goldmine.

slow down, i cant keep up!

the usefulness of containers, the word for grapes, pointing at oneself and saying mine…like a week ago she could barely say shoes. now she doesn’t even bother to say shoes, just gestures expectantly for me to take them off when we get home. pretty soon little bitch will be all espectin’ some slippahs up here in dis beyatch. she knows about pens and pen caps, howls along with the dog…she just interrupted this post by jerking her thumb towards her butt and saying “poopy” and then when i changed her into a swimming diaper she bolted right for the patio door! its like the beginning of “Species”, pretty soon she will be eating us and taking over the world.

i think daycare is mostly responsible. i applaud daycare. I RESENT DAYCARE! i want what is best for her, but i want to be there to provide it. these are obviously mutually exclusive, as she is playing with puzzles while i am ignoring her typing. i should just be happy she is smart, and work to spend as much good time with her as i can. that is a cop out, i should spend 12 hrs a day catering to her every need, except that i could make so much more money and hire a more qualified staff if i spent 12 hrs a day working! must stop thinking, it is only hurting the ballclub, leaving now to play with tinyHuman.

you ain’t hurt!

last night G was a little whirlwind. she got up maybe 9ish from a nap and was bouncing non-stop on the couches and all about the tv room. bounce jump tumble bounce tumble roll jump bounce climb clamor bounce climb back. this went on for at least an hour. she has figured out that falling sucks, she has not figured out how to stay in control without falling. So for all intents and purposes, she hasn’t figured out how not to fall.

we were keeping a hand, leg and eye on her and she was managing to not get hurt well enough. one time she started rolling off the couch, I got my hand on her but she was already too weighted over to stop entirely. so, I sort of grabbed and pushed her into the the side of the couch and lowered her slowly to the floor. it was awkward and goofy and she got a face-full of pillow, but no damage. She gets up and starts to cry, really moan and complain was more like it. So i said “quit complaining, it could be a lot worse.” its like dabbing on The Waterfall…didja fall? didja break anything? are ya bleeding?…you’re fine!

ironic that today at the daycare a couple of the teachers were asking me if she throws herself around and bangs into things at home. I just nodded and smiled, she’s just like her daddy.

Netflix outage: not hacking, just stupid business

last week Netflix was down for like a day, and i was bored and suspicious, and paranoid, and wrote this rabblerouser. and who wouldn’t be, how can this possibly be a planned outage. there was scuttlebutt on the net about it being related to a power outage at a hosting site in SF that took down a bunch of other big sites, and also talk of Netflix introducing a new pricing plan and the outage being related to its roll out. yet again, i thought, no no no, a big shop like Netflix can’t possibly fuck up a rollout this badly. EEKSTER! Blue Frown

eeeerr, i was wrong. and paranoid.

This story here says otherwise. I just wish i knew what it possibly could be…it could have been some sort of transactional financial thing that went through, and then they changed the db, so they couldnt roll em both back or something. Which can happen, with incredibly piss-poor planning sure. or maybe it was just something stupid like they didn’t back up.

wish i knew!!!