Whipped and Tourn

i wanted to climb Tower trail again today after seeing Alex get it all, and to make up for my crash last week. Alex said he put a marker where i went down — asshole. but it rained again this afternoon. it has been raining for a week straight. i heard that the past 2 weeks rainfall has equaled the past 11 months. this is good, but it’d be nice if it would just stop raining for the afternoons so I can get out for a real ride – stupid rain! the reward, however, is all the rain has dumped 10 feet of snow at Wolf Creek, right on time for mine and Byron’s now 3rd-annual low-overhead highly-flexible ski trip. 3 trips, and what looks to be a 3rd epic weekend.

but that is still several days off, so instead of Tower Trail i rode the canal again out to Gilbert road to figure out where i got lost. far less sexy, but at least it would get me dialed back into playing in the cold and wet. and i wore about enough clothes to go snowboarding, right down to proper shells, and left the camelback home choosing instead to stuff gear in my pockets. i am a little nervous about the boarding. First run of the year in 10 feet of powder with Byron pushing me into things I want to ease into could have unpleasant — or at least very silly — results. but the gearing worked well and I didn’t get too cranky despite being rained on and splattered for 2.5 hrs. Ready for the white out!

meanwhile, i managed to score some amazing TdF photos from Epic Images . One of my coworkers is married to a professional photographer, and herself had been a pro photographer and cycling enthusiast. We’ve gabbed here and there about riding over the years, and i’ve complimented her on a few of their shots that are displayed around our office. at the Xmas party last week, she mentioned they had some old inventory they were getting rid of and would i like any?

thank you Paula and Jonathan!!!

normally this is where i’d offer to return a favor by helping someone with either their computers or their bikes, but i don’t think they need either. the cost to me will be a ride with Jonathan sometime, which should be a hoot. I have no idea what kind of rider he is; they live in Fountain Hills and do Dixie Mine\Pemberton a lot, but he’s been around cycling for a lot longer than i have so probably will crush me. whatever… i’m sure it will be fun with lots of great conversation.

today is also my 15th anniversary.

i remembered, Beckie did not.

this was a good conversation

the Baby can conduct dialogs, express complicated things (in the sense that subject\verb is complicated), and provide frequent and ongoing commentary regarding your actions and her opinions. as if i do not feel guilty enough for sleeping late and making G hang out in bed with me on a regular basis, now she has to start telling me that she wants me to get up, she really wants me to get up, and she is frightfully upset that i should take time for a pee when i could be feeding her.

up daddy

hunry daddy


fact is i know she is not that hungry, and im not ready for tete-a-tete when i first open my eyes. but i have my revenge when I get up early, and get her into the bath and dressed while she is barely awake. hahahaha groggy baby in the tub, hahahah groggy baby in the high chair!!!!

the developing preferences, opinions and continually increasing cognizance of the existence and permanence of other things is yet again amazing. we were on the plane the other day watching a Baby Einstein that included sign language as the words were said, and G knew the signs. no one taught her, she just figured it out from watching the thing a jillion times. she also developed an obsession with the monkey from the World Animals dvd.

which became an obsession with this monkey:

which led to a complete and total obsession when she saw this monkey at my parents house:

which forced us to forgo aquarium-oriented toys at the Mote Aquarium, and buy her THIS monkey:

Canal Retentive

Rain and cold are fun when you are dressed right!

JB organized a meeting for our 24OP teams at Rula Bula. Since it rained all weekend and any big planned ride would be risky at best and likely downright crappy, i figured riding to Tempe would be a good way to get my mileage with minimal overhead. it’d also be a new adventure, not beat up the trails or soak my bike, and allow me to drink mass quantities of Irish beer with no fear of Johnny Law.

made it to Tempe in 18 miles and 1:10 riding with no major mistakes. There were a few patches of canal I was not sure would work, especially around Gilbert Rd where the canal splits and heads towards Tempe and Gilbert. Mostly an uneventful, fast ride with some sprinkling. A cute girl in a gift shop gave me a plastic bag for my saddle, and armed with 2 locks I triumphantly secured the bike on Mill Ave, then proceeded to shiver while drying off in the bar. Much Guinness at Rula Bula while we conducted our master strategy session for dominating the field at 24OP. This surely had no effect on my shivering, as Guinness is served at room temp.

On the ride back, I picked up a 12-pack so’s I would not have to drive once home. while i now had beer, i now had beer to haul for the next 15 miles. this may have been a logistical mistake, as a 12-pack weighs 10lbs to go along with my 2 locks, shoes, extra gloves, extra glasses and other assorted rain gear.
But now at least I had beer, and the weight made for good training. . Somewhere between Country Club Drive and Mesa drive, I missed a split on the bike path, and eventually realized the Sups were on my left and not in front of me. Oops. bailed at Gilbert\University after 2 miles the wrong way, and took Gilbert back north. I somehow missed the canal entrance, again, and wandered through orange groves next to the 202. I’ve wound through this neighborhood before, and not found the correct route, so was not optimistic of this going much better. Time for a beer to ease my frustration. I rolled a little ways into the grove where it was quiet and damp and thick with the smell of rain and citrus. Ahh…nice! it was worth the extra 10lbs. Sessioned on some of the ramps and bridges over the drainage culverts, and made my way back eastward.

The made my way onto the north side of 202, and was not sure it would go through to the canal, but the ground looked flat and parallel to the highway so I figured I could always ride along the outside of the highway walls. Made it to Greenfield, where I ran into the canal path, but found a 6 foot chainlink fence in my way. I didn’t want to backtrack 1.5 miles to Gilbert. So, I stood the bike up vertically, climbed to the top of the fence, hauled my bike over 1 handed, and managed to get down without sticking anything important or spilling in my bike sohes. This was a fairly difficult maneuver, but one every cyclist owes it to themselves to master. Then I had another beer to reward myself on the last mile of canal before hitting Thomas road for the final 2 miles home. It was 4:30, 20 miles,1.5 hrs and getting damp and slightly cold. Kila needed to get run, Beckie and G were out, I was already kitted up, and had a camelback full of beer. The correct course of action was obvious, so Kila and I did our Red Mountain ride down through the neighborhoods and the power station. all told it was about 3.5 hrs and 42 miles. An excellent new adventure!


we are seeing a lot more hording out of t.Human. the urge to horde can strike at any time, but often involves bebes. sometimes you can’t move her from one side of the house to the other without her grabbing every bebe in her crib. this gets complicated as the hands of the t.Human are not big enough to accommodate the desired horde of the t.Human. so typically something gets dropped, she picks it up, subsequently dropping something else, picking it up, subsequently dropping something else…

hording at the gift shop at the aquarium

the wagon is an effective economizer for the modern hording baby.

the Liger made it all the way into the car and nearly into daycare.


this weekend we met tinyDEMON.

G was not bad, in fact she was amazingly well behaved in the car, airports and aquarium. cheerful, funny, sweet and extremely tolerant – and all this after once again we forgot to give her Tylenol to knock her out for the flights. She was not “an evil spirit; devil or fiend” but rather embodied the slightly less common definition, that is “a person with great energy, drive, etc.”

we want G to be healthy – check!

we want G to be active – check!

we want G to develop competency walking, running, climbing so that she will not hurt herself failing those locomotions – check check check!

We have created an effervescent ball of energy that can not be left unattended at risk of great peril to herself and others. and as her powers grow, so do the consequences if left unchecked. staying on top of this is a full-time task.

more cookies

the other day i had to pick G up from daycare and take her right to the gym. i blew it on packing her a decent snack, so bought her a package of small cookies before leaving the office. She was cranky about getting stuffed into the carseat again and dropped at another daycare, but I placated her with cookies. As soon as i mentioned cookies, she was ready to be fed.


she knows this word. she knows how to sing it with joy and how to shout it with anger. unfortunately, she also knows that somehow somewhere there is a limitless supply of cookies and only by the depths of my cruel black heart am i not giving them to her. we got back in the car, and the first thing she did was start whining for cookies. the empty bag was taunting her, and i finally had to show it to her and say all done, then repeat, before she quit biting my head off. then she asked for more cookies.

G has move beyond being just a very smart dog. she has ever-more-complex notions of reason and permanence and causality. what she lacks is a notion of inventory management. I don’t blame her; i know there is a limitless supply of beer “out there” and it makes me happy, and thirsty, and at times anxious that I must go get beer rather than have it appear before me.   and like I know there is always somewhere to get beer, G knows there is always more food. and like i can be soothed into most situations with enough beer, she too will tolerate almost anything with food.

we stuffed her full of ham and apples for the car ride to the airport, stuffed her full of fries and chicken strips in the terminal, we brought onto the plane enough calories for her for a week, and on top of that the flight attendant brought her juice and snack bars and still more cookies gratis from the $7 snack packs! its so American!

Too scary for a catchy title

read this pathetic report today on azcentral.com. Kids in AZ only have had to take 2 years of math and 2 years of science.

Some choice quotes:

“Freshmen in 2008 will need a third year of math, up from two, to graduate. “

” Also added is a third year of science, up from two.”

What the hell do they teach in that school, and how does it possibly take 4 years to teach it? Beckie’s assumption on the curriculum: advanced texting, Theories of MySpace, YouTube classics, and of course the oldie but goodie, nookie behind the gym.

a walk in the rain

it happens so rarely, it is fun to do. the extra layers and preparation is worth the solitude and unleashed dog. the baby stroller had an umbrella, and we had an extra goretex jacket.   dryness prevailed amidst damp heads, mistry beers, and soggy jammies.