a walk i remember

we had the most wonderful time in the park the other day. so much dialog! so much decision-making!

i sprung it on her when we were leaving daycare: “Want to go to the park?” then nothing but “park. go park. yeah park” til we got there. we parked in the pullout on Recker about a quarter mile away. G recognized where it is in relation to the park, for the first time that i’ve noticed. and we flawlessly navigated a 50-yard sprint til she said “why the fuck am i wasting all this energy now?” and promptly put her hands up to be carried.

tick tock tick tock very patiently riding in my arms until we neared the parking lot and the truly pythonesque squirming began. its cute, cause its smart. and she is warm.

we played, we ran, we did normal park things. the direction and coaching was impressive.   G has a plan, and though it changes whimsically, i must go along, which is easy since she makes it very clear what we shall play on and how we shall play and when we shall move on to the next activity.

and then, of course, she told me to carry her back.

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