
fixed my cracked derailleur hanger

eating like a Roman

wrapped Beckie’s bar tape


an offensive line full of white guys

Beckie rides Seven Springs

spontaneous organization

what i did while i was not sleeping like a sane man

i fiddled with plugins on my blog. 2 huge upgrades today.

1st, I installed ImageScaler Modded . This automatically resizes any images when they are larger than a specified maximum. This helped me simplify a long-standing problem I had with image inserts. Granted, i have not done much research into extending the toolset that comes with WordPress, but this is huge. By default, each image upload had to have width and height specified, which was a royal pain in the ass to do over and over and over again. I fixed this when I started the blog with a simple css addition below:

img {width: 640px; height: 480px;border: double black 3px;}

This worked for about 75% of my images. but anything that was vertically oriented at 480×640, anything i wanted to customize smaller, or any smilies had to have a manual style override in the code like so:

style=”width: 400px; height: 300px”

this got really fucking cumbersome. and because the default image editor in WordPress’ WYSIWYG panel specified image properties but not using the style tag, it did not override my css and was basically useless.

The plugin will autoscale both my horizontal and vertical images to the same defaults I was using, and allow smilies to be their native size. I had to comment out the above css for img, and instead add a command to put border on my photos only, which are always hyperlinked.

a img {border: double black 3px;}

the only thing i will still have to manually specify is atypically-sized images, which represent like 2% of my images. and for that i can use the built-in image editor. if I get sick of the plugin (other than stripping out all the code it adds to each post), I can at least use css and specify hyperlinked images only, which will again break the editor for vertical and atypical images, but at least let smilies be their native size. i’m so happy, here’s a smiley:

The next upgrade was an emoticon plugin. I tried 4:

  • custom-smilies – this let you add your own gifs, but still required keyboard shortcuts that you had to configure. TOO COMPLICATED.
  • TinyMCE Advanced – a series of plugins to the WYSIWYG editor, one of which was an emoticon panel comparable to most message boards. i had high hopes, but it was a buggy piece of shit and it was all or nothing with its plugins. JUST SAY NO TO BUG-FILLED CODE!
  • Smilies Themer – this let you select from about 10 different smilies themes. but still no customizations, and still had to used keyboard shortcuts. NEXT!
  • WP Super Edit – this was similar to TinyMCE Advanced and used the same emoticon plugin, but it was much more stable and allowed individual plugins to be disabled. THIS WAS JUST RIGHT.

The plugin itself does not do anything for customizing your smilies, it just presents a UI panel, but with a little hacking I was able to make it work:

  1. upload my smilies files to /wp-includes/images/smilies
  2. edit the file /superedit/tinymce_plugins/superemotion/emotions.php. in the table cells, change the code to include my gifs, their sizes, and newly-defined names using the existing format
    • OLD – icon_cool.gif: <td><a href=”javascript:insertEmotion(‘icon_cool.gif’,’lang_superemotions_cool’, ‘<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>/wp-includes/images/smilies/’);”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_cool.gif” width=”15″ height=”15″ border=”0″ alt=”{$lang_superemotions_cool}” title=”{$lang_superemotions_cool}” /></a></td>
    • NEW – yikes_gif: <td><a href=”javascript:insertEmotion(‘yikes.gif’,’lang_superemotions_wink’, ‘<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>/wp-includes/images/smilies/’);”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>/wp-includes/images/smilies/yikes.gif” width=”19″ height=”25″ border=”0″ alt=”{$lang_superemotions_yikes}” title=”{$lang_superemotions_yikes}” /></a></td>
  3. edit the file /superedit/tinymce_plugins/superemotion/js/en.js to include names for my new gifs
    • OLD: cool : ‘Cool’,
    • NEW: yikes : ‘Yikes’,
  4. edit the file /superedit/tinymce_plugins/superemotion/editor_plugin.js to have the popup-menu be whatever size i liked, to support my vast and expansive array of smileys: template[‘width’]=360;template[‘height’]=360

I have to still actually make all the edits for my 30 or so smilies, not to mention re-save about 100 posts to have the new image settings take effect, but that should make posting a ton easier and more emotive.



i had this great idea for this post as a photo essay. it didn’t really start out that way. it started out as a ride up National, then i cracked my derailleur hanger, but managed to complete the final hour of the ride due to it all being road and downhill. and it was worth a picture – seeing my hanger cracked halfway through, and my deraileur dangling just barely to the outside of my spokes! It was quite something while i stood at Telegraph Pass at 4:30 and wondered if I could do the 7 or so miles up the road to Buena Vista, down Geronimo, and then the canals and Javalina back to the office. i did have a spare hanger, but the prospect of doing that job on the trail and then going back in near dark was not appealing. so i figured i’d shift carefully, and give it a go. then as the ride went on, several other pretty cool photos expressing this theme appeared before me. but i had no camera, which is ok, cause i had no actual carnage either.

an unlikely combination of circumstances led to my ride today. lately i’ve been wanting to push myself on technical rides. some skills have really been sharpening, and its getting easier and easier to handle harder and harder trails. so why not do more? i was alone today so could hammer, the question was: up National instead of Mormon, or really push myself and go out to Telegraph, which i’ve only done about half a dozen times, and adds roughly an hour of solitude and staircases. Secondly, with the office moving, I feel compelled to take advantage of these mild winter afternoons while i can still ride from work – its not like the mountain is going anywhere, but i shant be this lucky with a work location anytime again soon. the elegance of taking 3 hours off of my workday to ride is an amazing perk. Finally, all the ssl certs on our test hosts expired today!!! not my product, not my responsibility, and impossible to program when you don’t have a working run-time environment! Its like I was forced to take the afternoon off. To Telegraph it would be.

was rolling by 2:30, strong up Mormon and up National clearing the Upper Waterfall lift twice, and at BV by 3:50. The next stretch was fun, i dabbed on a couple things but they keep seeming easier, and i feel like every time i ride this stretch i get more confident in it. I cleared pretty much everything, and then there was one hard turn and rockface up on the Catwalk, easier than much of what i’d hit already, but exposed and near the end of the stretch where in the back of my mind i was saying “you are due to fall.” and thusly i did.

the pads protected me, but i could immediately tell the derailleur was wrong. since i just did this same thing a few months ago, i was able to pretty easily spot the problem, but the bike was ridable. so i up-shifted and just gave up on my 2 or 3 lowest gears, hit the slot, and dropped the last few hundred yards down to the road. Now on flat ground, the more detailed analysis could begin, and immediately the chain shifted off the cassette. in the process, it must have finished what the crash started, because in getting out the chain suck i could see a crack right through the hanger. NICE! and thus i present my photo essay, of non-photos.

picture of derailleur hanger, cracked between the bolt holes
picture of derailleur, hanging about 30 degrees the wrong direction
picture of my jersey, where the zipper has come undone at the bottom, exposing my belly-button
picture of the coyote that crossed in front of me around 28th St.
picture of a plastic bag full of dog shit, lying next to the trail, within 5 yards of a garbage can

Heckler, Blur or Trailer

is my new signature on MTBR, after G and i had a fantastic time yesterday at Silent Sunday. about once a month they close the road into Somo at Central Ave to all cars. this Sunday fortuitously coincided with the PF Chang’s marathon, which would give us a couple hours to kill downtown before meeting Beckie at 4 Peaks. I wanted to climb to the Towers, which is roughly an 8 mile, 1200 foot ascent. i’ve done it on the roadie and most of the climb on the mtb, and its tough but fun. but i wasn’t sure how it would be hauling the trailer. and more importantly, i was concerned i’d get G killed on the descent. so i swapped the trailer to the Blur from Beckie’s Superlight so I would be comfortable and have disc brakes. i figured worst case, i would just ride the brakes down the mountain and spend $30 for some new pads.

we got to the park about 8, still pretty cold, so time for a little breakfast and then G got to play driver while i got the gear together. she invented “The Horn Game” which while quite fun for the 2 of us, was annoying as shit to pretty much everyone else at the Park seeking to enjoy a day of vehicle-free outdoors.

i dressed us both pretty warm, and piled G high with fuzzy fleece blankets for the ride. the sun was coming up over fast over the mountain and i got warm quick, and felt G was probably ok. and i got a feel for both the climb and the descents in the 2 miles of road leading to the San Juan Road split, and decided that things would be ok. the trailer picks up speed quick, but as long as you are going straight and could see the next ascent, going over 15 for short stretches seemed ok — it wasn’t like i had to worry about cars. So off we went, me talking to G and pointing out all the sights and trails and places i’ve nearly broken my neck.

I got a lot of love from most of the other roadies climbing the hill. which was actually a little surprising. Sometimes Somo can be super-snobby with the roadies, and sometimes roadies are going too fast to be nice, and sometimes roadies just get grumpy with all the cars. but despite looking as much like a mountain biker as possible with many bulky clothes and tools and my enormous bike-a-zilla, anyone who saw me dragging us up that hill knew i was no overweight shuttler, and i wound up having a surprisingly good time bantering with people. that, and i was yapping baby talk to G the whole way up, which made for just a plain ole silly scene.

Some comments:

  • Holy moly
  • holy cow
  • holy shit dude
  • going all the way to the top (you crazy mutthafugga?)
  • ¡uno pocito! bueno amigo!
  • you are the parent of the year – NB: this is do not think is true, as a truly good parent would not drag their kid out of bed on a winter morning and pedal her up a twisty mountain road
  • and my favorite:
    • Random Roadie: Did you ride that all the way up here?
    • Me: No, we came up National

the climb took 1:05, and other than a quick break at Telegraph to lose some layers and p, it was pretty steady. the mtb gearing and cockpit made for a reasonably comfortable but mellow grind.

actual proof that we actually made it to the top

that’s why the climb was so hard…hauling that damn monkey!

G and I walked around for awhile at the top, we sat methodically on each individual curb, and she had a PowerBar. what she did to be so damn hungry i am not sure, but she was being such a good passenger i let her have it. and it was covered with chocolate. she bitched about wearing her helmet, and after about 10 minutes on the descent, with her nearly strangling herself getting it off, i gave up and decided i simply better not crash.

the descent was surprisingly easy, and only for a few stretches did i really have to ride the breaks. It took about 25 minutes down, and then we rode out San Juan road and back a ways to end with a svelte 2 hrs and 20 miles. I can’t wait for next month, knowing now that Beckie, G and I can all do this together and get a pretty decent workout.

Make Way for My Posse

G is bringing her entourage with her everywhere! each morning more and more stuffed animals migrate into the backseat of my car, each evening more stuffed animals migrate onto our bed. I can’t walk without kicking some hanger-on trying to keep on the gravy train. I can’t get dressed, can’t make it to the TV — who does she think she is? Snoop Dog?

somewhere on this table is a little girl’s breakfast. even Turtle wants in…


G has become bossy.   She has learned how to get us to do her bidding.   She issues orders.   A sampling:

“c’mere!”   I would like the pleasure of your company in another room.

“standup!”   Get yer lazy ass off the couch.

“siddown!”   Sit back down.   I will tell you when you can get up.

“Carry!”   I want a free ride.   Walking sucks.

“Walk!”   Put me down.   I want to walk.   You are slow and old and you smell funny.

“Dondodat!”   Cease and desist.   I am not enjoying this bath/hair brushing/dressing/face washing ect.

“No soapy!”   Please don’t shampoo my hair.   It sucks.

“Hurts!” Ouch.   that hurt.

“All Done!”   Unstrap me from this chair.   I have finished eating.

“Book!”   Time for a literary interlude.     I will make a selection.

“Night-night”   I am sleepy and would like you to go to sleep with me.

“Couch!” Time to go vegetate and watch tv.

“monkey! (while pointing to the TV)”   Let’s watch those adorable monkeys on TV!

“My (insert anything here)!”   That item you are trying to take away and/or use is mine, please give it back.

“Tanks!” Thanks for everything.   Much appreciated.

The 12 Days of Christmas

Ok it was actually more like 15 days, basically starting from the last day of work til the next weekend when work got rolling again. and i ate way too much junk food and cookies.

I managed to work out about 2 hrs a day, a averaged about 9 hrs a week on the bike for 3 weeks.

Friday 12-21: Javalina to Mormon to National to Geronimo to Javalina, with Byron, JB, Kathleen and others. took Beckie’s shoes by mistake. oops! rode in my lightweight-hikers, and gave up on making many of the ups I normally make. well, at least i didn’t wear Tevas to work, but descending was a headtrip having to think constantly about ramming my feet into the pedals to stay on. one drop near the end i lost the pedals and nose-wheelied, but the Heckler saved me and put me down. nice thru axel, nice shock, RIGHT BRAKE ONLY! RIGHT BRAKE ONLY!

Sunday 12-23: Saguaro Lake and back, windy as shit, i am slow and fat, but ready to enjoy the suite for the Cardinals game. big spread, lots of free food and beer, learned not to try to sneak into any other suites for free beer again. and there was a football game!

Monday 12-24: Black Canyon Trail with Ray and his buddy Pete. we stopped short of the final descent into Black Canyon City, still did 22 miles, 3500 feet and 3.5 hrs. then for the first time, i rode the trailer with Kila out to pick up G from daycare and to the park. Alex’s Xmas eve party!

Xmas Hike Tower Trail

Wednesday 12-26: fixed my seat from creaking, then rode Sunrise and the lower trails on the Scottsdale side of the McDowells with Beckie. 2.5 hrs, 16 miles, 3000 feet. She ascended Sunrise just a few minutes behind me, which is not an easy thing, considering I am somewhat fast and have ridden it 6 times and got all but one short steep on the first summit. Natural Wash and Paradise are fun in both directions when you are not exhausted, for a change. Beckie smashed her shit and walked out the last mile, i did not know. but in my kindness and good karma, had beers ready when she arrived.

Thursday and Friday: assembled my new truing stand and used it and the rotor gauge to fix the Blur from the crash on Tower Trail 2 weeks prior, and fixed up Beckie’s crash. mmm…tools.

Saturday 12-29: Goat Camp. 3 hours, 16 miles, ~3000 feet, 3 miles of the gnarliest downhill i have ever been on. the 12 mile climb rocked, the descent scared the living shit out of me. several times on the descent i practically froze and was just plain skeered to get back on the bike. well, at least i was in the lead to the top so had nothing left to prove. that which does not kill me makes me stronger. no blood no broken parts, a long scary day with some good friends.

Sunday: Dacite Super Loop. 5 hrs, maybe 6 miles, at least 3k, much bushwacking. we thought, hahahaha, that this would be easier and safter than Flatiron. G was a trooper, though this was almost certainly a case of foolish parenting, made right only by Beckie and me being strong like ox. hauling G the stakes go up, and i think about being strong instead of being tired.

Monday New Years Eve: Saguaro Lake\Usery on the roadie.

New Years: family ride to Phon D

Thursday 1-3: Javalina to Mormon to National to Geronimo to Javalina, with Byron and Alex. fun fun fun, more fun, then i slid my wheel under a chain link fence 4 blocks from home and poked a hole in my sidewall. really. its even more unbelievable to write it down, than to have caused it to actually happen. do i know how to handle a bike? so i walked back to the car. i’m an idiot.

Saturday 1-5: Pass Mountain, then Red, White & Brew. Then i felt encouraged and in rhythm and just the least bit emboldened by vanilla porter, and decided today was the day i upped my free-riding. so i took Kila for a run, with my pads and my shoes and my helmet and my Heckler – gonna go play hard, why not be safe?! down to the church and we hit the staircase of 4 x 3 stairs about 5 times, and i cleared it up for the first time. down to the jump pit below Red Mountain Ranch for some reps. I hit 10 or so 2-3 footers, and really started to feel the feeling of getting the nose up on small jumps. then near the Hawes Walgreens there is a staircase with 2 flights of 7 and i got that for the first time – been psyched out by it for a looooong time.

Don’t overthink it

a few days ago, on my work from home day, i got distracted and spent much of the day on projects in and about my Man Cave. Beckie’s response upon arriving home: “so instead of making $50\hr as a computer programmer, you decided to earn $9\hr as a bike mechanic.”

twas an interesting point.

beckie further said that my attraction to the garage is like a woman’s attraction to the closet. and i wanted to dispute this with all the reasons that i am fundamentally not attracted to the garage, but rather drawn there by duty and need and obligation. what lives in the garage if angered can trap us in our house, or enable our escapes from it; it can augment our living space, and relieve pressures upon it. And point-of-fact: I spent a significant portion of the day replacing the derailleur Beckie bashed in the McDowells, and truing her tacoey wheels with my new truing stand and rotor gauge, and replacing the shifter pod that she broke. along with other assorted cleaning, sorting, storing and fixing-up of things bike and non-bike, for which she was quite appropriately grateful.

but in the end she was right it was just that simple. however much i try to avoid it, it is on the chromosome.

improved Man Cave, with truing stand

improved Man Cave, part II

and something for the Wo-closet

Jo, choosing an M&M over freedom. Don’t overthink it.